10 Đề thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2021-2022

Part 1: Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, C, or D.

1. A. mechanic B. character C. christmas D. choptick

2. A. book B. flood C. coop D. boot

3. A. sugar B. seaside C. seat D. summer

4. A. spends B. carves C. laughs D. swims

5. A. advised B. brushes C. promised D. talked

Part 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D.

1. A. traditional B. neccessary C. television D. photograph

2. A. material B. ambulance C. minimize D. handkerchief

3. A. hospital B. volunteer C. vegetable D. difference

4. A. towel B. socket C. canoe D. injure

5. A. oceanic B. memory C. similar D. semester

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  1. Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 năm 2021 (10 đề) Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề thi học sinh giỏi Năm học 2021 - 2022 Môn: Tiếng Anh 8 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Đề 1 A: LISTENING Part 1: Joe and Jenny are talking about their last winter vacation. Listen and answer the questions 1. Where did Joe go and stay? 2. What items were made of ice? 3. What was put on the ice bed to make it warm? 4. What are some things Joe did on his vacation? 5. Does Jenny think Joe’s vacation is awesome?
  2. Part 2: Listen a quick announcement about the rules and regulations on the train and take notes: B: PHONETICS Part 1: Choose one word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, C, or D. 1. A. mechanic B. character C. christmas D. choptick 2. A. book B. flood C. coop D. boot 3. A. sugar B. seaside C. seat D. summer 4. A. spends B. carves C. laughs D. swims 5. A. advised B. brushes C. promised D. talked
  3. Part 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D. 1. A. traditional B. neccessary C. television D. photograph 2. A. material B. ambulance C. minimize D. handkerchief 3. A. hospital B. volunteer C. vegetable D. difference 4. A. towel B. socket C. canoe D. injure 5. A. oceanic B. memory C. similar D. semester C: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Part 1: Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. What can we do to prevent people throwing drink cans away. A. in B. of C. on D. from 2. There are flights daily to Ho Chi Minh city Monday. A. besides B. after C. except D. on 3. We are all ___ that you passed your English exam. Congratulation! A. delighted B. afraid C. relieved D. certain 4. Look at these flowers! I think they need A. water B. to water C. watering D. be watered 5. The lecture asked the children to him carefully. A. listen B. to listen C. should listen D. must listen 6. We are looking forward about our exam results. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. to hearing 7. Wait! Bill and Tom here in a few minutes. A. come B. are come C. will come D. came 8. Lan always gets good marks writing English because she never any mistakes.
  4. A. in - makes B. on - make C. in - does D. on - does 9. I’m very at the information you have just given me. A. concerned B. surprised C. interested D. worried 10. You have to work for the coming exam. A. harder B. hardlier C. more hardly D. more harder Part 2: Give correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following passage. 1. The students are usually interested in reading poems (write) by Nguyen Du. 2. Last night at 8 o’clock, my father (read) a newspaper while my mother (watch) television. 3. The water bill was enormous, so she suggested (save) water by taking a shower. 4. The flight to Florida have to (change) because of the rough weather. Part 3: Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in capitals. 1. Mr Brown made a lot of in the field of electricity. (invent) 2. Hard working all day brings (succeed) 3. He is one of the best in the world. (photo) 4. The book was so that we didn’t want to read it. (interest) 5. Ha Long Bay was by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. (recognition) 6. Nowadays, people dress less . (tradition) 7. They formed a close at school. (friend) 8. The waste from the chemical factory is very (harm) 9. We can find terraced fields in the northern .regions. (mountain) 10. They are very busy with the Teachers’ Day. (celebrate) D: READING
  5. Part 1: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space For many people sport is a popular part of school life and (1) in one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important. If someone is in a (2) it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away (3) home, as many matches are played then. It can also invole traveling to (4) towns to play against other school teams and then staying on after the match for a (5) or a drink. Some parents, friends or other students will travel with the team to support (6) own side. When a school team wins a match, it is the whole school which feels proud, (7) only the players. It can also mean that a school becomes (8) for being good at certain sports and people from that school may end up playing for national (9) international teams so that the school has some really (10) names associated with it. 1. A. having B. being C. taking D. putting 2. A.group B.team C.play D.field 3. A. at B. on C. for D. from 4. A.others B.another C.other D.one 5. A.play B.meal C.walk D.swim 6. A. their B. its C. our D. whose 7. A. but B. however C. and D. not 8. A.well-made B.well-equipped C.well-done D.well-known 9. A.because B.but C.and D.so 10. A. old B. new C. common D. famous Part 2: Fill in each gap with one suitable word. The cook stole a leg from a beautiful toast stork just (1) it was served to the king. The king asked him angrily (2) the bird had only one leg. The cook replied “Storks only ever have (3) leg. Come to the river with me tomorrow (4) I will show you, your majesty”. Next morning, the cook and the king went down (5) the river and (6) the storks all standing on one leg. The king clapped his (7) and the birds flew (8) “There” he said “You see, they all have (9) legs the moment I clap”. “But your majesty. You (10) clap last night”. E: WRITING
  6. C- It’s right, I think D- Yes,please 7. You can’t borrow my dictionary you bring it back tomorrow. A- if B- as long as C- so D- unless 8. “Is it all right if I use your bike?” – “ ” A- Sure, go ahead B- I don’t care C- I accept it D- Oh, forget it 9. All people who were without homes in the flood were provided with accomodation. A- short B- temporary C- present D- instant 10. Vietnam is a country. A- rice- exported B- export- ricing C- rice-exporting D- exporting- rice 11. Take care of , Lan! A- herself B- himself C- myself D- yourself 12. She is a wearing a dress. A- red new pretty cotton B- new pretty red cotton C- cotton pretty red new D- pretty new red cotton 13. We want to go England learn English. A- in order that B- so that C- so as to D- in order for 14. Nam and Hung have played badminton for two hours, but of them is tired. A- none B- both C- neither D- all II- Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The price of petrol (go) up recently. 2. Don’t worry about it. You (tell) if there is a change of plan. 3. There was a problem with the cellphone, but I (fix) it now. 4. “Can I help you?” – No. thanks. I (just, look) 5. The car looks very clean. You (wash) it? 6. During the trip, try to avoid (bite) by mosquitoes.
  7. 7. Can you tell me when the train to Ho Chi Minh City (leave) ? – At 8:00. 8. Less than half of the cans of paint (use) up to now. 9. She used (take) to the theater by the Greens. 10. Nobody would like to listen to the stories (tell) by him many times. III- Write the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. This lovely apartment has two bedrooms and it is (FURNISH) 2. My work was , so I had to continue after lunch. (FINISH) 3. She felt that she passed the exam. (RELIEF) 4. This course is for who have never learned English. (BEGIN) 5. He was given an award for his action. (COURAGE) 6. He dropped himself on the grass after shouting loudly again for help. There seemed to be nobody around. (HOPE) 7. My brother lives in a .area. (RESIDE) 8. You’d better drive. I’m too for such traffic. (EXPERIENCE) 9. She has few friends because she is so . (SOCIETY) 10. They don’t spend their money as .as they should. (ECONOMIC) IV- Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences. 1. A flower growing in the garden is more beautiful than a flower stands in a vase. ABCD 2. The little girl felt worrying about what I told her yesterday. ABCD 3. Do you enjoy giving gifts by the others on your birthday? ABCD 4. My father’s car has the same color like my uncle’s. ABCD
  8. 5. The novel writing by Jack London is very popular in the world. AB C D SECTION C: READING COMPREHENSION I- Choose the word A,B,C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces. Rivers are (1). of the world’s most important resources. Many cities are on large rivers, and (2) every country has at least one river that (3) an important part in the lives of its people. Besides transportation, rivers (4) food,water for crops, water to drink and opportunities for recreation for people who live along their (5) And in order to get water for crops, engineers sometimes build a dam across a river and let the water become a lake (6) the dam. Then people can use their water not only to (7) fields but also to make electricity for homes and industries. (8) , the water often becomes polluted when cities on river banks grow (9) size and the number of industries increases. We are learning that it is necessary to (10). rivers clean if we want to enjoy the benefits of the natural resources. 1. A- one B- ones C-among D- those 2. A- most B- mostly C- almost D- about 3. A- takes B- makes C- occupies D- plays 4. A- supply B- provide C- distribute D- bring 5. A- banks B- shores C- sides D- beaches 6. A- behind B- on C- below D- under 7. A- take B- irrigate C- drain D- give 8. A- Moreover B- Therefore C- Thus D- However 9. A- of B- about C- in D- for 10. A- keep B- get C- hold D- maintain II- Fill in each blank with one suitable word. Think of all the things you throw away: juice bottles, soft drink cans, candy wrappers. It adds up. (1) much trash do you produce? Americans throw away an average of one ton of trash per person (2) year. Most of this trash gets buried (3) big holes in the ground called landfills. A
  9. lot of this garbage can be recycled, or turn back (4) something useful. Just about any material can be recycled. The main things we recycle today are (5). from metal, paper, glass or plastic. People recycle for many reasons. One of the (6) reasons is to conserve resources. Making new aluminum cans out of old ones means less aluminum is needed (7) new cans. This leads to a second reason people recycle: It saves energy. Recycling old aluminum cans takes a lot (8) energy than making new aluminum. To make new aluminum, you (9) to mine metal ore from the ground, remove the impurities, and refine it into a finished metal. Recycling also conserves valuable land. (10) recycling, we produce less garbage. That means fewer landfills are needed for dumping our trash. SECTION D: WRITING I- Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same 1. Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them. -> They had 2. John has not had his hair cut for over six months. -> It is 3. It takes six hours to drive from London to Leeds. -> It is 4. I didn’t arrive in time to see her. -> I wasn’t 5. John and Mike got up late this morning. -> Neither 6. John has not had his house decorated for over three years. -> The last 7. The child will die if nobody sends for a doctor. -> Unless 8. He would prefer you to pay him immediately. -> He’d rather
  10. 9. We couldn’t find George anywhere. -> George was 10. Chrissie can’t draw as well as her sister. -> Chrissie II- Write a letter of about 150-200 words to your pen pal Susan in England and tell her about our Tet holiday. Beginning as shown. Dear Susan, Yours, Nam
  11. ĐÁP ÁN SECTION A: PHONETICS I 1- A 2- D 3- D II 1. D 2. A SECTION B: VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES I 1- B 2- B 3- C 4- A 5- D 6- D 7- D 8- A 9- B 10- C 11 – D 12 – D 13- C 14- C II 1- has gone 2- will be told 3- have fixed 4- am just looking 5- Have washed 6 – being bitten 7- leaves 8- has been used 9- to be taken 10- told III 1- furnished 2- unfinished 3- relieved 4- beginners 5- courageous 6- hopelessly 7- residential 8- inexperienced 9- unsociable 10- economically IV 1- D-> standing 2- B-> worried 3-B-> being given 4- C-> as 5-B-> written SECTION C: READING COMPREHENSION I 1- A 2- C 3-D 4- B 5- A 6- A 7- B 8- D 9- C 10- A II
  12. 1- how 2- a/per/each 3- in 4- into 5- made 6- main 7- for 8- less 9- need (have) 10- By SECTION D: WRITING I 1. -> They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them. 2. -> It is over six months since John last had his hair cut. 3. -> It is a six- hour drive from London to Leeds. 4. -> I wasn’t early enough to see her. 5. -> Neither John nor Mike got up early this morning. 6. -> The last time John had his house decorated was over three years ago. 7. -> Unless someone sends for a doctor, the child will die. 8. -> He’d rather you paid him immediately. 9. -> George was nowhere to be found. 10. -> Chrissie isn’t as good at drawing as her sister. II. Marking criteria: + Task completion (1pts) Bài làm hoàn thành, đúng về bố cục giám khảo cho 1 điểm. Không hoàn thành không cho điểm phần này. + Grammatical accuracy and spelling (3pts): Bài viết không có lỗi chính tả và từ ba lỗi ngữ pháp trở xuống được cho 3 điểm tối đa. Cứ 5 lỗi chính tả hoặc ngữ pháp trừ 1 điểm (Trừ không quá 3 điểm). - Coherence and cohesion – (2pts): Tùy mức độ mạch lạc, liên kết câu, liên kết đoạn của bài viết, giám khảo có thể cho 1-2 điểm.
  13. • Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề thi học sinh giỏi Năm học 2021 - 2022 Môn: Tiếng Anh 8 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút Đề 10 PART ONE: LISTENING Listen to a story and fill in the missing words: Once a farmer lived a comfortable (1) with his family. His chickens (2) many eggs which the farmer (3) buy food and clothing for his family. One day, he went to (4) the eggs and discovered one of the chickens laid a gold egg. He shouted (5) to his wife,”We’re rich! We’re rich!” His wife (6) to him and they both looked at the egg in (7) . . The wife wanted more, so her husband decided (8) open all the chickens and find more gold eggs. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find (9) gold eggs. When he finished, all the chickens were dead. There were no (10) .eggs of any kind for the foolish farmer and his greedy wife. PART TWO: PHONETICS I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, C, or D 11. A. tidal B. sight C. describe D. cinema 12. A. connect B. comfort C. computer D. contest 13. A. cough B. though C. rough D. tough 14. A. action B. national C. partial D. question
  14. 15. A. pleased B. erased C. increased D. amused II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others 16. A. medical B. restaurant C. remember D. government 17. A. household B. homework C. garbage D. throughout
  15. 18. A. electrical B. interesting C. necessary D. beautifully 19. A. celebrate B. consider C. expression D. criteria 20. A. partner B. between C. visit D. program PART THREE: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences 21. The teacher told him up late. A. to not stay B. to stay not C. to stay not D. not to stay 22. My father is good at English A. speaking B. spoken C. speak D. to speak 23 We are all that you passed your English exam. Congratulation! A. relieved B. afraid C. delighted D. certain 24. “ to come and have dinner with us?” “I’d love to but I’m very busy”. A. would you mind B. Could you C. Would you like D. Do you enjoy please 25. I am very in the information you have given me. A. concerned B. interested C. surprised D. worried 26. Look at these flowers! I think they need A. water B. to water C. watering D. be watered 27. If you don't understand many words, you can look them in the dictionary. A. up B. on C. at D. after 28. There are flights daily to Ho Chi Minh city Monday. A. besides B. after C. except D. on 29. Do you know the girl to our teacher ? A. is talking B. talked C. talking D. he talks
  16. 30. George showed me some pictures by his father. A. paint B. painting C. painted D. that painted II. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 31. This book has a lot of information. It’s very _. (use) 32. Each of my friends has a character. (differ) 33. It is to eat much sugar and fat. ( health ) 34. Ha Long Bay was by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. (recognition) 35. His parents are very _ of him. (pride) 36. “The lost shoes” is one of the _ stories I like best. (tradition) 37. Every week, there are two from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh city. (fly) 38. They had an Christmas vacation. (enjoy) 39. He is a well- known (photograph) 40. We're having a good time here. People on the island are very_ (hospitality) III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. 41. Compost (make) from vegetable matter is considered a wonderful natural fertilizer. 42.Three thieves robbed the museum last night. Five paintings (steal) 43. I didn't know how to get to your house so I stopped (ask) the way. 44. Jone is washing his hands. He just (repair) his bike. 45. Tom doesn't enjoy (laugh) at by other people. IV. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition 46. Snow is falling all the country. 47. Keep those medicines the children's reach. 48. Tim should work harder his Spanish pronunciation. 49. My grandmother prefers living in the countryside living in the city.
  17. 50. The policeman asked me to phone an ambulance. PART FOUR: READING I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. How to be a friend to the earth There (51) many simple things we can do to stop the (52) of the environment. First of all, we should not dump our rubbish without (53) which things, such as bottles and paper can (54) We should put objectives that we can recycle in (55) bins. Secondly, instead of talking our car wherever we go, we ought to leave it at home (56) possible, and go on foot or (57) .public transport. When we have to drive to the supermarket (58) our shopping, we should always remember (59) our own bags (60) we don’t need to use the supermarket’s plastic bags. 51. A. are B. is C. was D. were 52. A. Destroy B. destroyed C. Destructive D. destruction 53. A. think B. to think C. thinking D. thought 54. A. be recycled B. recycle C. recycling D. being recycled 55. A. recycle B. recycles C. recycled D. recycling 56. A. where B. whenever C. where D. wherever 57. A. on B. in C. by D. to 58. A. to do B. do C. to make D. making 59. A. taking B. to take C. take D. took 60. A. so B. that C. so that D. so as II. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the passage As a student I have to learn a lot of subjects and English is one of them. We have English lessons (61) Tuesday and Friday mornings. My English class (62) very big with 50 students (63) .different cities in Viet Nam. My teacher often gives us a lot of homework so I try (64) it carefully before I go to class. In class, I listen to the teacher attentively, answer the teacher’s (65) in English and practise English (66) my classmates. I think (67) isn’t easy to learn English because you speak it in one way and write it in the (68) way. That is why at first I found it
  18. difficult to learn English. But day after day, thanks (69) our teacher’s help and my great effort, I have made some progress in my English now and I hope that one day I can read English books in the originals and communicate (70) English well. III. Read the passage, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences The Vietnames people celebrate the New Year ( Tet) on the first three days of the January according to the lunar calendar. On these days, they often paint and decorate their houses. They buy a lot of fruit, flowers and they also make many delicious dishes. They make sticky rice cakes because they are their traditional cakes. People who work far away try to get home on these days. On the first day of Tet, people often offer these good fruit and food to their ancestors and after that the whole families enjoy the food. They also visit pagodas, temples and their relatives or friends. Children are given lucky money which represents the adults' good wishes to them. There are a lot of traditional games and contests at Tet, such as rice - cooking, fire- making, water- fetching and buffalo- fighting. These are really interesting. People are playing and enjoying themselves very much on this occasion. 71. Vietnamese people celebrate their New Year on the first day of January according to the lunar calendar. 72.They make sticky rice cakes at Tet because they are traditional ones. 73. People try to get home at Tet because they earn a lot of money. 74. Adults often give children lucky money because lucky money represents good wishes. 75. There are no traditional games at Tet. PART FIVE: WRITING I. Find out correct one mistake in A, B, C or D of each sentence and then correct 76. He slept in his room when the fire alarm rang. ABCD 77. Shall you close the window for me, please? ABCD 78. He gets up early in order to reviewing lessons before school. ABCD 79. The ambulance will be there for about ten minutes. ABCD
  19. 80.I’ve been learning English since 4 years. ABCD II. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one 81. We had to wait two hours for Donald. -> Donald kept 82. “Have you been out at all this evening, Mr. Johnson?” The detective asked. -> The detective wanted to find out 83. Does he know enough French to work as a translator? -> Is his ? 84. A Spanish architect designed our house. -> Our house 85. This is my first visit to Hue, the ancient capital city in Viet Nam. -> This is the first time . III. Write a report on a festival you joined. (In about 150 words)
  20. ĐÁP ÁN PART ONE: LISTENING 1. life 6. ran 2. laid 7. amazement 3. used to 8. to cut 4. collect 9. Any 5. excitedly 10. More PART TWO: PHONETICS I. 11. D. cinema 12. D. contest 13. B. though 14. B. national 15. C. increased II. 16. C. remember 17. D. throughout 18. A. electrical 19. A. celebrate 20. B. between PART THREE: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. 21 - D. not to stay 22 -A. speaking
  21. 23- C. delighted 24- C. Would you like 25- B. interested 26- D. be watered 27- A. up 28- C. Except 29- C. talking 30- C. painted II. 31. useful 32. different 33. unhealthy 34. recognized 35. proud 36. traditional 37. flies 38. enjoyable 39. photographer 40. hospital III. 41 - made 42 - were stolen 43 - to ask 44 - has ( just) repaired 45 - being laughed IV. 46- over 47- out of 48- on 49- to 50- for PART FOUR: READING I. 51. A. are 52. D- destruction 53. C - thinking 54. A – be recycled 55. D- recycled 56. D- wherever 57. C- by 58. A- to do 59. B- to take 60- D. so as II. 61. on 62. is 63. from 64. to do 65. questions 66. with 67. it 68. other 69. to 70. in
  22. III. 71. F 72. T 73. F 74. T 75. F PART FIVE: WRITING I. 76. A. was sleeping 77. A Could 78. C. review 79. C. at 80. C. for II. 81. Donald kept us waiting two hours. 82. The detective wanted to find out if/whether Mr.Johnson had been out at all that evening. 83. Is his knowledge of French good enough for him to work as a translator? 84. Our house was designed by a Spanish architect. 85. This is the first time I have visited Hue, the ancient capital city in Viet Nam. III. *Mở bài: Nêu: - tên lễ hội - nơi tổ chức lễ hội (0,5 đ) *Thân bài: - thời gian diễn ra lễ hội - nêu tên một số hoạt động trong lễ hội - kể chi tiêt hơn về một hoạt động tiêu biểu (diễn ra như thế nào, có bao nhiêu người tham gia ) (1đ) * Kết luận: - tóm tắt ý chính và nêu cảm nghĩ về lễ hội. (0,5 đ)