Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra cuối kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2023-2024 - Trịnh Thuỳ Trang


Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the others.

1. A. greeting B. dogsled C. longevity D. gallery

2. A. concentrate B. staircase C. costume D. contestant

3. A. nomadic B. column C. ornament D. reunion

4. A. staple B. statue C. lantern D. interact

5. A. gym B. ginger C. giraffe D. gong

Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.

1. A. lifestyle B. native C. diet D. unique

2. A. promise B. pronounce C. maintain D. behave

3. A. festival B. suitable C. behaviour D. practical

4. A. original B. relationship C. interaction D. conditional

5. A. leisurely B. respectful C. cultural D. certainly


Exercise 1: Choose the best answer.

1. The teacher will be furious _________ you don’t do the homework.

A. unless B. if C.so D. although

2. Mrs. Hoa’s sister is very fond of _________. She likes to knit hats after school.

A. weave B. weaving C. to weave D. to weaving

3.The _________ is still used as means of transport in Alaska today.

A. native art B. tribal dances C. crafts D. dogsled

4.Weall joined in the _________when we attended the local festival.

A. tribal dances B. native art C. modern games D. crafts

5. What _________ at school tomorrow?

A. were you doing B. will you do C. are you doing D. you doing

6. Is he an actor _________ a singer? -An actor.

A. and B. or C. but D. so

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra cuối kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2023-2024 - Trịnh Thuỳ Trang

  1. UBND QUẬN LONG BIÊN TRƯỜNG THCS CỰ KHỐI ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP KIỂM TRA CUỐI KÌ I Môn: Tiếng Anh – Grade 8 Năm học 2023 – 2024 A. THEORY Content: From Unit 1 to Unit 6 I. Vocabulary: - Vocabulary related to the topic of Unit 1: Leisure time, Unit 2: Life in the countryside, Unit 3: Teenagers, Unit 4: Ethnic groups of Viet Nam, Unit 5: Our customs and traditions, Unit 6: Lifestyles. - Sounds/ stress: /ʊ/ & /u:/, /ǝ/ & /ɪ/, /ʊǝ/ & /ɔɪ/, /k/ & /g/, /n/ & /ŋ/, /br/ & /pr/. II. Grammar: 1. Verbs of liking and disliking Verbs Meaning Adore Yêu thích, mê mẩn Love Yêu Like/ enjoy/ fancy Thích Don’t mind Không phiền Dislike/ don’t like Không thích Hate Ghét Detest Căm ghét a. Verbs of liking/ disliking + V-ing/ to V Verbs Verbs + V-ing Verbs +to V Like I like skateboarding in my free time. I like to skateboard in my free time. Love She loves training her dog. She loves to train her dog. Hate He hates eating out. He hates to eat out. Prefer My mother prefers going jogging. My mother prefers to go jogging. b. Verbs of liking/ disliking + V-ing Verbs V-ing Adore They adore eating ice-cream. Fancy Do you fancy making crafts? Don’t mind I don’t mind cooking. Dislike Does he dislike swimming? Detest I detest doing housework. Enjoy Do you enjoy listening to music? 2. Comparative Adverbs a. Short adverbs Form: S1 + V+ adv- er + than + S2 + auxiliary V S1 + V+ adv- er + than + O/ N/ Pronoun E.g: They work harder than I do. = They work harder than me. b. Long adverbs Form: S1 + V + more + adv + than + S2 + auxiliary V S1 + V + more + adv + than + O/ N/ Pronoun E.g: My friend did the test more carefully than I did. = My friend did the test more carefully than me.
  2. c. Irregular adverbs Adverbs Comparative well better badly worse much/ many more a little/ little less far farther/ further 3. Simple sentences and Compound Sentences a. Simple sentences - Câu đơn là câu bao gồm một chủ ngữ (subject) và chỉ một vị ngữ (predicate). (Câu chỉ có duy nhất một mệnh đề (Clause)). Eg: Minh has some problems with his schoolwork. S V - Câu đơn có thể có nhiều hơn một chủ từ hoặc nhiều hơn một động từ, nhưng chỉ diễn đạt một ý chính duy nhất. Eg: John and Mary were sad. Smith ate noodles and drank coffee. b. Compound sentences - Câu ghép là câu gồm hai hay nhiều mệnh đề độc lập có liên quan về mặt ý nghĩa, được kết nối với nhau bằng một liên từ (conjunction) hoặc bằng trạng từ nối (conjunctive adverbs). *Conjunction (Liên từ) Mệnh đề 1 + (,) + liên từ + mệnh đề 2. Eg: She plays chess very well, and she won the first prize last year. My mother does exercise every day, so she looks very young and fit. - Các từ nối câu thường dùng: F-A-N-B-O-Y-S a. For (vì): từ chỉ nguyên nhân. Eg: He drinks much water, for he is thirsty. b. And (và): nối câu bổ sung ý nghĩa cho nhau. Eg: She went to the supermarket, and she bought some tomato. c. Nor (không cũng không): Eg: Quan doesn’t watch T.V, nor does he play piano. d. But (nhưng): chỉ sự mâu thuẫn. Eg: He is handsome, but he is not smart. e. Or (hoặc) chỉ sự lựa chọn. Eg: You should study harder, or you will not pass the next exam. f. Yet (nhưng): Eg: The weather was extremely cold, yet we enjoyed climbing the mountain. g. So (vì vậy): chỉ kết quả của hành động trước đó. Eg: He is sick, so he doesn’t go to work today. *Conjunctive adverb (Trạng từ nối) Mệnh đề 1 + (;) + trạng từ nối + mệnh đề 2. - Các trạng từ nối phổ biến để nối các vế trong câu ghép với nhau: Conjunction Adverbs Meaning However = Nevertheless Tuy nhiên Furthermore Thêm nữa Otherwise Nếu không thì Moreover Hơn nữa
  3. Similarly Tương tự Especially Đặc biệt là In fact Sự thật là Meanwhile Trong khi đó Eg: She is beautiful; however, she isn’t gentle. She wanted to prepare for the exam; therefore, she turned off her mobile phone. Phong has to study harder; otherwise, he may fail the test. 4. Yes/ No and Wh – questions a. Câu hỏi Yes/ No Questions Cấu trúc: Auxiliary Verb (Do/ Does/ Did/ Will / ) + S + V? Yes, S + auxiliary verb. No, S + auxiliary verb + not. Be + S + adj/N ? - Yes, S + be. / No, S + be + not. E.g: Will she be here tomorrow? - Yes, she will. Was Lan sick yesterday? - No, she was not. Did Hung go to school yesterday? - No, he didn't. b. Câu hỏi vói Wh-questions Cấu trúc: Wh-questions + be + S + adj/ N? Wh-questions + auxiliary verb + S+ V? E.g: What is this? When do you see him? What are you doing? Why does she like him? 5. Countable and uncountable nouns 2.1. Countable nouns a. Định nghĩa - Danh từ đếm được là những danh từ chỉ sự vật, sự việc riêng lẻ tách rời có thể đếm được. E.g: an apple, a pen, a table, an egg, two books, five babies, b. Phân loại - Danh từ đếm được được phân thành 2 loại: danh từ số ít và danh từ số nhiều. Danh từ số ít chỉ một cái, một con, một vật , thường đi với mạo từ a/an. E.g: a cake, an umbrella, • Quy tắc hình thành danh từ số nhiều từ danh từ đếm được so ít Quy tắc 1: Danh từ số ít thường được chuyển sang dạng số nhiều bằng cách thêm s”. E.g: a pen pens Quy tắc 2: Thêm “es” vào tận cùng của danh từ kết thúc bằng các âm “o, s, ss, ch, x, sh, z”. E.g: a class classes Quy tắc 3: Danh từ kết thúc bằng “y”, trước “y” là một phụ âm thì ta chuyển thành “y” thành “i + es”. E.g: a candy candies Quy tắc 4: Danh từ kết thúc bằng “y”, trước “y” là một nguyên âm thì ta chỉ thêm “s”. E.g: a boy boys Quy tắc 5: Danh từ có tận cùng là f, fe ta chuyển thành “+ ves”. E.g: a knife knives Quy tắc 6: Một số danh từ đặc biệt không theo các quy tắc trên. Danh từ số ít Danh từ số nhiều Ý nghĩa
  4. 1. Mi loves playing sport, so his brother hates it. A B C D 2. Farmers should plough their fields carefully; however, they will not have a bumper crop. A B C D 3. If you don’t do your homework more careful, you won’t get good marks. A B C D 4. In his free time, my grandpa enjoys to catch fish and feeding pigs. A B C D 5. She hates use Facebook Messenger to discuss schoolwork. A B C D 6. Unless you study from home, you need to pay attention to your electrical equipment and Internet A B C D access. 7. Knowing how to relax is vital for ensure your healthy lifestyle and restoring joy in your life. A B C D 8. It is unlawful for people to drive in the right side of the road in India. A B C D 9. Most families in the Viet Nam prepare offerings for the Kitchen Gods A B C D 10. Some people think young people should to follow the tradition of the society. A B C D Exercise 4: Rearrange the sentence. 1. country/ with/ Vietnam/ 54/ is/ multiethnic/ a/ groups/ ethnic. → ___ 2. minorities/ make/ population/ Ethnic/ up/ 15 percent/ of/ the/ of/ about/ Vietnam. → ___ 3. It is/ a tradition/to wake up / for children/ early/ Christmas day/ on/. → ___ 4. I'll come/ to/ I go/ to London/if/ this summer/ see you /. → ___ 5. We/ first-term exams/ our/ will take/ very soon/. → ___ Exercise 5: Make sentences using the words and phrases given. 1. Nowadays/ teenagers/ rely / technology / than / past. => ___ 2. He/ adore/ play/ monopoly / when / he / leisure time. => ___ 3. Sit/ front / computer / all day / cause / health / problems. => ___ 4. Living / big city / convenient / than / living / village. => ___ 5. If / Ho Lam / convert / my document /, / it / not / be / correct. => ___ The end BGH duyệt Tổ / Nhóm trưởng CM duyệt Người lập
  5. Nguyễn Thị Lan Hương Trịnh Thuỳ Trang
  6. ANSWER KEY I. PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the others. 1. A. greeting B. dogsled C. longevity D. gallery 2. A. concentrate B. staircase C. costume D. contestant 3. A. nomadic B. column C. ornament D. reunion 4. A. staple B. statue C. lantern D. interact 5. A. gym B. ginger C. giraffe D. gong Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 1. A. lifestyle B. native C. diet D. unique 2. A. promise B. pronounce C. maintain D. behave 3. A. festival B. suitable C. behaviour D. practical 4. A. original B. relationship C. interaction D. conditional 5. A. leisurely B. respectful C. cultural D. certainly II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Exercise 1: Choose the best answer. 1. The teacher will be furious ___ you don’t do the homework. A. unless B. if C.so D. although 2. Mrs. Hoa’s sister is very fond of ___. She likes to knit hats after school. A. weave B. weaving C. to weave D. to weaving 3.The ___ is still used as means of transport in Alaska today. A. native art B. tribal dances C. crafts D. dogsled 4.Weall joined in the ___when we attended the local festival. A. tribal dances B. native art C. modern games D. crafts 5. What ___ at school tomorrow? A. were you doing B. will you do C. are you doing D. you doing 6. Is he an actor ___ a singer? -An actor. A. and B. or C. but D. so 7. Could you please stop ___ so much noise? A. make B. making C. made D. to make 8. My penal and I are far away from each other, but we never ___. A. keep on B. lose in touch C. keep in touch D. write on 9. If Nam ___ younger, he will take part in the project to be trained to become an astronaut. A. were B. is C. was D. would be 10. I suggest that we ___ take a trip to Cu Chi tunnels next Sunday. A. may B. can C. must D. should 11. Unless you ___ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering 12. I’ll give you a call if I ___ some help tomorrow” A. will need B. need C. would need D. needed 13.Mr Jack ___ to the countryside next month. A. go B. have gone C. went D. will go 14. My students enjoy ___ English very much. A. learn B. learnt C. learning D. to learn 15. ___ month is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held in? A. When B. Which C. How many D. How often
  7. 16. People in rural areas live ___ than those in cities. A. simplier B. more simply C. more simple D. simpler 17. I love the people in my village. They are so ___ and hospitable. A. friendly B. vast C. slow D. convenient 18. Life in Ho Chi Minh City is much ___ than we thought at first. A. the busier B. the more busier C. more busy D. busier 19. If we pollute the water, we will not have ___ fresh water to use in the future. A. much B. many C. a few D. a 20. We have used ___ dictionary to look up the words for 4 years. A. a B. many C. a few D. a little Exercise 2: Find the CLOSET word. 1. Nam is very smart. He always answers the teacher’s question well. A. clever B. bad C. lazy D. hardworking 2. When I came to Da Nang, I ate many local foods which are very delicious. A. national B. regional C. international D. provincial 3. He comes from a very wealthy family, so he has a lot of expensive cars. A. rich B. traditional C. expensive D. Normal 4. Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February. A. begins B. happens C. causes D. ends 5. The gallery in the city centre has an excellent collection of native art. A. great B. terrible C. awful D. polluting Exercise 3: Find the OPPOSITE word. 1. The law protects ancient monuments and old churches. A. modern B. old C. traditional D. historic 2. That many people use public transport to minimizes air pollution. A. reduce B. increase C. save D. cause 3. Last night, when he came to visit us, we were watching a boring film on T.V. A. long B. bad C. interesting D. new 4. Vietnamese people usually gather on New Year’s Eve. A. meet B. disperse C. join D. collect 5. Mr. Brown is a very generous old man. He has given most of his wealth to a charity organization. A. hospitable B. honest C. kind D. mean III. ENGLISH EVERY DAY 1. "What would you like to drink?" - "___". A. Yes, please B. Milk, please C. No, thanks D. OK 2. “I can’t find my wallet, Tom” – “Don’t worry. I’ll help you to ___ it” A. look for B. take care of C. put on D. turn off 3. Tom: "Congratulations! You've passed the exam." - John: "___ " A. No, I don't think so B. Many thanks C. Sorry, I don't D. Not at all 4. Jane: “Would you like to go out with me tonight?” - Mary: “___” A. Really? Never say so. B. Yes, I’d love to C. It is kind of you D. You’re welcome. 5. Lien and Tu are talking about their hobbies. Lien: " I like documentaries" - Tu:" ___ "I find it quite boring. A. I'm the opposite. B. So do I C. They are my favorites D.I love them so much. IV. READING Exercise 1: Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
  8. There is an ethnic group living in Ha Long Bay which is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Quang Ninh province, in the northeast of Viet Nam. It has got over 1,600 islands and islets. Among the many ancient fishing villages in Ha Long Bay, only Cua Van floating village remains. All the houses and buildings in the village float on huge wooden rafts. The villagers spend their days fishing and looking after the sea life. Then they sail to the mainland to trade their fish for things like food, drinking water or clothes. Most children go to floating schools and then spend the rest of the time learning important skills like swimming and fishing. They also help out their parents as much as they can. Then, lifestyle may seem strange to many people, but it’s so wonderful to live among such natural beauty and know you are protecting it. The villagers are able to help preserve their beautiful bay because they live directly on the water. 1. The passage is mainly about A. How Ha Long Bay became a UNESCO World Heritage. B. The beauty of nature in Ha Long Bay. C. The life of people in Cua Van ancient village. D. The geographical features of Ha Long Bay. 2. The word “they” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. the houses B. the villagers C. the builders D. the schools 3. According to the passage, the villagers’ lifestyle may seem ___ to many people. A. strange B. dangerous C. tiring D. boring 4. The villagers not only fish but also ___ the sea life. A. damage B. pollute C. look at D. look after 5. The villagers are able to help preserve their beautiful bay because they___ A. live on the land C. don’t live on the water B. live far from the sea D. live directly on the water 6. According to the passage, which statements is NOT true? A. Ha Long Bay has above1,600 islands and islets. B. Because of floating life, children in Cua Van floating village don’t go to school. C. The children try to help their parents. D. The villagers have preserved their beautiful bay. Exercise 2: Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Although there various wedding styles in America, most weddings still follow certain traditions. One of those is an old saying that dates back to 19th century England about what a bride should wear or carry: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” A bride wears something old to remind her of her family and the past. Some brides wear their mother’s wedding dress or a piece of her jewelry. Something new means good luck and hope for a happy future with her new husband. Again, this item may be the dress, but often it is a pair of new shoes. Something borrowed such as a friend’s handkerchief a married friend’s bridal veil means the bride has friends and family who are willing to help her. Something blue is a symbol of trust and faith between the couple. These days, some brides are creative with this item by painting their fingernails a light blue color or wearing a garter on the their leg. Another tradition says that the groom should take the garter after the ceremony and throw it to the single men. The man who catches it will be the next one to get married. 1.Which of the following is a good title for the text? A. Various types of weddings. B. A wedding tradition and its meaning. C. What should be worn on your wedding day. D. How to plan a traditional wedding. 2. To remind her of the past, the bridge might
  9. A. wear a pair of new shoes. B carry a friend’s handkerchief. C. wear her mother’s wedding dress. D. paint her fingernails a light blue color. 3. For good luck and hope for a good future with her partner, the bride might wear A. a piece of new jewelry or a new dress. B. a bridal veil and a new dress C. a new dress and a pair of new shoes D. a pair of new shoes or a new dress 4. The word “it” refers to A. a pair of shoes B. luck C. item D. future 5. Why do some brides wear a blue garter on their leg? A. Because too many brides paint their fingernails a light blue color. B. Because it is a symbol of trust and faith between the bride and the groom. C. To show how the couple can be lucky in their marriage. D. To show how popular something blur is in a wedding. Exercise 3: Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to complete it. Two of the most important holidays in the United States are Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day. The fourth (1) ___ July marks the American declaration of independence from Britain. Most towns, big (2) ___ small, celebrate the fourth of July with parades and fireworks. Families (3) ___ with barbecues or picnics. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in fall, on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a day (4) ___ people give thanks to the harvest. Most families had a large dinner with roast turkey. Both Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day are (5) ___ holidays. 1. A. in B. on C. with D. of 2. A. and B. or C. because D. as 3. A. celebrating B. to celebrate C. celebrate D. celebrated 4. A. when B. where C. what D. in which 5. A. nation B. national C. nationally D. nationally Exercise 4: Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to complete it. Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world. But the first supermarket was (1) ___ only fifty years ago. It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen. A supermarket is different (2) ___other types of stores in several ways. In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves. The (3) ___ choose what they want and take them to the checkout counter. This means that fewer shop assistants are needed than in other stores. The way products are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores; (4) ___ example, in supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of the checkout counter: candies, chocolates, magazines, cheap foods and so on. Most customers (5) ___ go to a supermarket buy goods from a shopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They do the shopping according to a plan. 22. A. revived B. interacted C. opened D. greeted 23. A. in B. from C. of D. with 24. A. customers B. managers C. assistants D. sellers 25. A. in B. for C. of D. by 26. A. who B. what C. which D. whom V. WRITING Exercise 1: Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given. 1. It’s tiring to sit in front of the computer for hours. A. Sitting in front of the computer for hours is tiring.
  10. B. Sit in front of the computer for hours is tiring. C. Sat in front of the computer for hours is tiring. D. To sit in front of the computer for hours is tiring. 2. He passed the exam because he’s intelligent. A. He’s intelligent, but he passed the exam. B. He’s intelligent, and he passed the exam. C. He’s intelligent, for he passed the exam. D. He’s intelligent, so he passed the exam. 3. We would prefer to make crafts rather than play tennis. A. We would rather to make crafts than play tennis. B. We would rather make crafts rather than play tennis. C. We would rather make crafts than play tennis. D. We would rather making crafts rather than play tennis. 4. What are these stilt houses made of? A. What are the colors of these stilt houses? B. What are the materials of these stilt houses? C. What is the price of these stilt houses? D. What is the height of these stilt houses? 5. How about listening to a bedtime story? A. What about listening to a bedtime story? B. Why about listening to a bedtime story? C. Who about listening to a bedtime story? D. When about listening to a bedtime story? Exercise 2: Choose the questions for the underlined part. 1. I have to revise the lesson carefully for the next exam. A. When do you have to do for the next exam? B. What do you have to do for the next exam? C. How do you have to do for the next exam? D. What do you have do for the next exam? 2. He had a few presents from his mother last week. A. How much presents did he have from his mother last week.? B. How much presents does he have from his mother last week.? C. How many presents did he have from his mother last week.? D. How much presents does he have from his mother last week.? 3. They can’t take part in the game because of heavy rain. A. Why do they take part in the game? B. What can they take part in the game? C. Why can’t they take part in the game? D. Why can they take part in the game? 4. The children should drink two litters of milk every day. A. How much milk do the children drink every day? B. How much milk should the children drink every day? C. How many liters of milk do the children drink every day? D. How many milk do the children drink every day 5. My brother enjoys going to work by bike. A. What does your brother enjoy? B. What do your brother enjoy? C. Why does your brother enjoy?
  11. D. How does your brother enjoy? Exercise 3: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. Mi loves playing sport, so his brother hates it. A B C D 2. Farmers should plough their fields carefully; however, they will not have a bumper crop. A B C D 3. If you don’t do your homework more careful, you won’t get good marks. A B C D 4. In his free time, my grandpa enjoys to catch fish and feeding pigs. A B C D 5. She hates use Facebook Messenger to discuss schoolwork. A B C D 6. Unless you study from home, you need to pay attention to your electrical equipment and Internet A B C D access. 7. Knowing how to relax is vital for ensure your healthy lifestyle and restoring joy in your life. A B C D 8. It is unlawful for people to drive in the right side of the road in India. A B C D 9. Most families in the Viet Nam prepare offerings for the Kitchen Gods A B C D 10. Some people think young people should to follow the tradition of the society. A B C D Exercise 4: Rearrange the sentence. 1. country/ with/ Vietnam/ 54/ is/ multiethnic/ a/ groups/ ethnic. → Vietnam is a multiethnic country with 54 ethnic groups. 2. minorities/ make/ population/ Ethnic/ up/ 15 percent/ of/ the/ of/ about/ Vietnam. → Ethnic minorities make up about 15 percent of the population of Vietnam. 3. It is/ a tradition/to wake up / for children/ early/ Christmas day/ on/. → It is a tradition for children to wake up early on Christmas day. 4. I'll come/ to/ I go/ to London/if/ this summer/ see you /. → I’ll come to see you if I go to London this summer. 5. We/ first-term exams/ our/ will take/ very soon/. → We will take our first- term exams very soon. Exercise 5: Make sentences using the words and phrases given. 1. Nowadays/ teenagers/ rely / technology / than / past. => Nowadays teenagers rely on technology more than in the past. 2. He/ adore/ play/ monopoly / when / he / leisure time. => He adores playing monopoly when he has leisure time. 3. Sit/ front / computer / all day / cause / health / problems. => Sitting in front of a computer all day can cause health problems. 4. Living / big city / convenient / than / living / village. => Living in a big city is more convenient than living in a village. 5. If / Ho Lam / convert / my document /, / it / not / be / correct. => If Ho Lam converts my document, it will not be correct.