Đề kiểm tra giữa kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2023-2024 - Hoàng Thị Hồng Yến (Có đáp án)


I. Listen and complete the passage. (1,25P)

In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best (1)……………….. after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your (2)……… if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more (3)……………. than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make (4)………….. together. You’ll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking... you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you (5) ……. something more exciting? Go downtown and to do some people watch. It’s fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun!

II. Listen to the passage and tick true (T) or false (F) (1,25P)

  1. Five-coloured sticky rice is made by the Kinh
  2. The five colours represent elements of life according to Vietnamese believes
  3. The red symbolizes fire.
  4. The green symbolizes water.
  5. People believe that these five elements create harmony between the Sun and the Earth.


I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from the others (0,3P)

1. A. leisure B. sure C. shopping D. sociable

2. A. loaded B. addicted C. bored D. planted

3. A.buffalo B. close C. gold D. minority

II. Choose the word with different stress from the others (0,2P)

1. A. compete B. perform C. country D. collect

2. A. minority B. tradition C. historic D. celebrate

III. Choose the best answer A, B or C to complete the following sentences. (1,5P)

  1. We do not have many carnivals in Viet Nam; ___________, we have many special traditional festivals.

A. but B. while C. nevertheless D. although

  1. Jane prefers ____________music than to listen to it.
  2. playing B. play C. to play D. played
  3. People in rural area wear more__________ than those in cities.
  4. simply B. simple C. simpler D. most simply
  5. The farmers loaded the rice straw____________buffalo drawn cart.
  6. into B. onto C. on D. with
  7. A: “ My favourite leisure activity is people watching “

B: …………………………..

A. That sounds so weird! B. That ‘s all right

docx 15 trang Lưu Chiến 03/07/2024 240
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Nội dung text: Đề kiểm tra giữa kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2023-2024 - Hoàng Thị Hồng Yến (Có đáp án)

  1. ỦY BAN NHÂN DÂN HUYỆN AN LÃO ĐỀ KIỂM TRA GIỮA KÌ I- TIẾNG ANH 8 TRƯỜNG TH& THCS CHIẾNTHẮNG Năm học: 2023-2024 === Thời gian làm bài: 60’ I. Ma trận MA TRẬN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA GIỮA KỲ 1 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 – THỜI GIAN LÀM BÀI: 60 PHÚT Mức độ nhận thức Tổng Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Vận dụng cao T Kĩ năng Thời Thời Thời Thời Thời T Tỉ lệ Tỉ lệ Tỉ lệ Tỉ lệ Tỉ lệ gian gian gian gian gian (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (phút) (phút) (phút) (phút) (phút) 1 Listening 10 4 10 6 5 3 25 13 2 Languag 10 3 10 5 5 3 25 11 e 3 Reading 15 8 5 5 5 5 25 18 4 Writing 5 5 5 4 5 4 10 5 25 18 Tổng 40 20 30 20 20 15 10 5 100 60 Tỉ lệ (%) 40 30 20 10 Tỉ lệ chung 70 30 (%)
  2. II. Bản đặc tả BẢNG MÔ TẢ KĨ THUẬT ĐỀ KIỂM TRA GIỮA KỲ 1 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 8 – THỜI GIAN LÀM BÀI: 60 PHÚT Số câu hỏi theo mức độ nhận thức Tổng Số Đơn vị kiến thức/kỹ Mức độ kiến thức, kĩ năng Nhận Thông Vận Vận TT Kĩ năng CH năng cần kiểm tra, đánh giá biết hiểu dụng dụng cao TN TL TN TL TN TL TN TL TN TL I. LISTENIN 1. Nghe một đoạn độc Nhận biết: G thoại trong 1.5 phút Nghe lấy thông tin chi tiết về một 2 2 (khoảng 80 – 100 từ) để trong các chủ đề đã học. trả lời các dạng câu hỏi có liên quan đến một Thông hiểu: trong các chủ Hiểu nội dung chính của đoạn độc đề:Teenagers 2 2 thoại/ hội thoại để tìm câu trả lời đúng. Vận dụng: - Nắm được ý chính của bài nghe 1 1 để đưa ra câu trả lời phù hợp. Nhận biết: 2. Nghe một đoạn hội 2 2 2 thoại/ độc thoại khoảng - Nghe lấy thông tin chi tiết.
  3. 1.5 phút (khoảng 80 – Thông hiểu: 100 từ) liên quan đến - Hiểu nội dung chính của đoạn một trong các chủ 2 2 độc thoại/ hội thoại để tìm câu trả đề:Traditional food lời đúng. Vận dụng: - Nắm được ý chính của bài nghe 1 1 để đưa ra câu trả lời phù hợp. II. LANGUAG Pronunciation Nhận biết: E 3 3 Stress Nhận biết các âm thông qua các từ vựng theo chủ đề đã học: - Nguyên âm đơn/ə/ - /ɜː/ - Sounds:/id/,/t/,/d/ Thông hiểu: 2 2 Phân biệt được các âm trong phần nghe. Vận dụng: Hiểu và vận dụng vào bài nghe/nói. Vocabulary Nhận biết: 1 1 Từ vựng đã học theo Nhận ra, nhớ lại, liệt kê được các chủ đề: Teenagers, life từ vựng theo chủ đề đã học. in the Thông hiểu: countryside,leisure time - Hiểu và phân biệt được các từ
  4. vựng theo chủ đề đã học. - Nắm được các mối liên kết và kết hợp của từ trong bối cảnh và ngữ cảnh tương ứng. Vận dụng: 1 1 Hiểu và vận dụng được từ vựng đã học trong văn cảnh: + prefer +to V/Ving + Communicative situation Nhận biết: 2 2 Nhận ra được các kiến thức ngữ pháp đã học: Grammar - preposition Các chủ điểm ngữ pháp -conjunction đã học Thông hiểu: 2 2 Hiểu và phân biệt các chủ điểm ngữ pháp đã học. - comparative adverbs - prefer +to V/Ving Vận dụng: - Vận dụng những điểm ngữ 2 2 pháp đã học vào bài viết/ nói/ nghe/ đọc.
  5. III. READING Nhận biết: 1. Reading 3 3 Nhận ra được các thành tố ngôn comprehension ngữ và liên kết về mặt văn bản. Hiểu được nội dung Thông hiểu: chính và nội dung chi tiết đoạn văn bản có độ Phân biệt được các đặc trưng, đặc 1 1 dài khoảng 80-100 từ về điểm các thành tố ngôn ngữ và chủ đề: Hobbies/ Heath/ liên kết về mặt văn bản. Community services Vận dụng: Sử dụng các kiến thức ngôn ngữ 1 1 và kỹ năng trong các tình huống mới. 2. Cloze test Nhận biết: 3 3 Hiểu được bài đọc có độ Thông tin chi tiết. dài khoảng 80-100 từ về Thông hiểu: chủ đề: Hobbies/ Heath/ 1 1 Community services Hiểu ý chính của bài đọc. Vận dụng: - Đoán nghĩa của từ trong văn cảnh. 1 1 - Hiểu, phân tích, tổng hợp ý chính của bài để chọn câu trả lời phù hợp. IV. WRITING 1. Error identification Nhận biết: 2 2 Xác định lỗi sai Nhận diện lỗi:
  6. - The past simple - Coordinating conjunction Thông hiểu: 2. Arranging Sắp xếp từ/ cụm từ gợi ý để hoàn Sắp xếp từ/ cụm từ gợi ý thành câu 2 2 để hoàn thành câu - Compound sentence - Verbs of liking + V-ing Vận dụng: 3. Sentence transformation Hiểu câu gốc và sử dụng các từ gợi ý để viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa Viết lại câu dùng từ cho không thay đổi. 2 2 trước. - Both and - should (not)+ V(bare) Vận dụng cao: Sử dụng các từ, cụm từ đã cho để 4. Sentence Building viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. Sử dụng từ/ cụm từ gợi - The past simple 4 4 ý để viết câu. - The present simple - The present continuous. - Enjoy + Ving. Tổng 16 4 4 4 4 5 2 4 26 19
  7. TEST 1 PART I: LISTENING ( 2,5P) I. Listen and complete the passage. (1,25P) In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best (1) after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your (2) if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more (3) . than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make (4) together. You’ll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you (5) . something more exciting? Go downtown and to do some people watch. It’s fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun! II. Listen to the passage and tick true (T) or false (F) (1,25P) 1. Five-coloured sticky rice is made by the Kinh 2. The five colours represent elements of life according to Vietnamese believes 3. The red symbolizes fire. 4. The green symbolizes water. 5. People believe that these five elements create harmony between the Sun and the Earth. PART II. LANGUAGE FOCUS ( 2,5P) I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from the others (0,3P) 1. A. leisure B. sure C. shopping D. sociable 2. A. loaded B. addicted C. bored D. planted 3. A.buffalo B. close C. gold D. minority II. Choose the word with different stress from the others (0,2P) 1. A. compete B. perform C. country D. collect 2. A. minority B. tradition C. historic D. celebrate III. Choose the best answer A, B or C to complete the following sentences. (1,5P) 1. We do not have many carnivals in Viet Nam; ___, we have many special traditional festivals. A. but B. while C. nevertheless D. although 2. Jane prefers ___music than to listen to it. A. playing B. play C. to play D. played 3. People in rural area wear more___ than those in cities. A. simply B. simple C. simpler D. most simply 4. The farmers loaded the rice straw___buffalo drawn cart. A. into B. onto C. on D. with 5. A: “ My favourite leisure activity is people watching “ B: A. That sounds so weird! B. That ‘s all right C. OK. That’s what you’ve choosen. D. Sure. It’s very interesting 6. Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word. Life in the countryside is quieter than life in the city. A. friendlier B. noisier C. peaceful D. cheaper 7
  8. TEST 1 PART I: LISTENING ( 2,5P) I. Listen and complete the passage. (1,25P) In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best (1) after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your (2) if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more (3) . than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make (4) together. You’ll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you (5) . something more exciting? Go downtown and to do some people watch. It’s fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun! II. Listen to the passage and tick true (T) or false (F) (1,25P) 1. Five-coloured sticky rice is made by the Kinh 2. The five colours represent elements of life according to Vietnamese believes 3. The red symbolizes fire. 4. The green symbolizes water. 5. People believe that these five elements create harmony between the Sun and the Earth. PART II. LANGUAGE FOCUS ( 2,5P) I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from the others (0,3P) 1. A. leisure B. sure C. shopping D. sociable 2. A. loaded B. addicted C. bored D. planted 3. A.buffalo B. close C. gold D. minority II. Choose the word with different stress from the others (0,2P) 1. A. compete B. perform C. country D. collect 2. A. minority B. tradition C. historic D. celebrate III. Choose the best answer A, B or C to complete the following sentences. (1,5P) 1. We do not have many carnivals in Viet Nam; ___, we have many special traditional festivals. A. but B. while C. nevertheless D. although 2. Jane prefers ___music than to listen to it. A. playing B. play C. to play D. played 3. People in rural area wear more___ than those in cities. A. simply B. simple C. simpler D. most simply 4. The farmers loaded the rice straw___buffalo drawn cart. A. into B. onto C. on D. with 5. A: “ My favourite leisure activity is people watching “ B: A. That sounds so weird! B. That ‘s all right C. OK. That’s what you’ve choosen. D. Sure. It’s very interesting 6. Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word. Life in the countryside is quieter than life in the city. A. friendlier B. noisier C. peaceful D. cheaper 7
  9. IV. Use the correct form of the words in the brackets (0,5P) 1. Do you fancy ( come)___on a day trip to my uncle’s farm next Sunday? 2. She ofen drives ___, so she never causes any accidents. (careful) PART III. READING ( 2,5P) I. Choose the word which best fits each gap. (1,25P) because village friendlier air in quiet Many people enjoy living in a big city (1) they think life is more exciting there. However, I come from a small (2) and in my view, there are lots of benefits. The main reason I prefer village life is because it’s very (3) , so I always feel calm when I’m here. Another reason is that the (4) is so fresh and clean. We have more green spaces and bigger gardens, too. In addition, I think the people here are (5) Personally, I’m interested in wildlife photography, so the countryside is perfect for me. II. Read the following passage, and answer the questions below.(1, 25P) Vietnam is a multiethnic country with 54 ethnic groups. The Viet (Kinh) people account for 87% of the country’s population and mainly inhabit the Red River delta, the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta and major cities. The othekr 53 ethnic minority groups, totaling over 8 million people, are scattered over mountain areas spreading from the North to the South. Among ethnic minorities, the most populated are Tay, Thai, Muong, Hoa, Khmer, Nung with a population of around 1 million each; while the least populated are Brau, Roman, Odu with several hundred people each. The main economic activity of most ethnic peoples is wet rice cultivation. A number of ethnic minorities had mastered some farming techniques. They grew rice plants in swamped paddy fields and carried out irrigation. Others go hunting, fishing, collecting and live a semi-nomadic life. Each group has its own culture that is diverse and special. Beliefs and religions of the Vietnamese ethnic minority groups are also disparate from each other. 1. How many ethnic groups are there in Vietnam? 2. Where do the Kinh people mostly live? 3. What is the population of the Tay? 4. Which ethnic groups have the smallest population? 5. What do most ethnic peoples mainly live on? PART IV. WRITING ( 2, 5 P) I. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it (0,5P) 1. I want to visit the Viet Nam Museum of Ethnology to learn for 54 ethnic A B C D minority groups. 2. The red car is much expensive than the white one A B C D II. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences (0,5P) 1. Susan/ lived/ for/ in/ has/ Hai Phong/ 5 years. 2. country/ with/ Vietnam/ 54/ is/ multiethnic/ groups/a III. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that the meaning of the original one does not change. (0.5P) 1. This film is more interesting than the film we saw last week. => The film we saw last week isn’t___ 2. Noone in her class is more intelligent than her 8
  10. => She ___ IV. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences (1,0P) Write sentences with the cues given. 1. Mary/ usually/ listen/ K-pop music/ free time. 2. when/ I/ be/ a child/ I/ enjoy/ play/ computer games. 3. my father/ spend/ most/ spare time/ look after/ the garden. 4. watching TV/ most/ popular/ leisure activity/ Britain? KEY AND MARK - TEST 1. PATR I. LISTENNIG ( 2,5PTS ) I. Listen to the passage and complete the dialogue.( 0, 2 x 5S = 1,25P) In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best friends after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your parents if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more comfortable than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make crafts together. You’ll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you prefer something more exciting? Go downtown and to do some people watch. It’s fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun! 1. friends 2. parents 3. comfortable 4. crafts 5. prefer II. Listen to the passage and tick true (T) or false (F) ( 0, 2 x 5S = 1,25P) 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F Five-coloured sticky rice is an important traditional dish of many ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous regions. People call the dish five- coloured sticky rice because it has five colours: red, yellow, green, purple and white. The things that create the colours are not chemicals but natural roots and leaves. The five colours of the dish represent five elements of life according to Vietnamese beliefs: yellow is earth, red is fire, green is plants, white is metal, and purple or black is water. People believe that these five elements create harmony between heaven and earth. Five- coloured sticky rice is usually made and enjoyed at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies, on special occasions, and whenever the family has guests. PATR II. PHONETIC ( 2, 5PS) I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently the others. (0,1 x 3S = 0,3P) 1. A. 2 . C 3. D II. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. ( 0,1 x 2S = 0,2P) 1. C 2. D. III. Choose the best answer A, B or C to complete the following sentences. ( 0, 25 x 5S = 1,5) 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B. 5. D 6. B. IV. Use the correct form of the words in the brackets ( 0, 25 x 2S = 0,5P) 1. coming 2. Carefully PART III. READING ( 2, 5PS) 9
  11. I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in passage. (0,25 x 5S = 1, 25 P) 1. because 2. village 3. quiet 4. air 5. friendlier II. Read the following passage, and answer the questions below.( 0,25 x 5S = 1, 25P) 1. Vietnam is a multiethnic country with 54 ethnic groups. / There are 54. 2. They live in the Red River delta, the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta and major cities. 3. The Tay have a population of around 1 million. 4. The Brau. 5. The main economic activity of most ethnic peoples is wet rice cultivation. PART IV. WRITING ( 2, 5 P) I. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it (0.25 x 2S = 0,5P) 1. D 2. B II. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences (0, 25 x 2S = 0,5P) 1. Susan has lived in Hai Phong for three years. 2.Vietnam is a multiethnic country with 54 groups. III. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that the meaning of the original one does not change. 1.The film we saw last week isn’t as interesting as this film. 2. She is the most intelligent in her class. IV. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences ( 0, 25 x 4S = 1,0P) 1. Mai usually listens to K-pop music in her free time. 2. When I was a child, I enjoyed playing computer games. 3. My father spent most of his spare time looking after the garden. 4. Is watching TV the most popular leisure activity in Britain? BGH duyệt Tổ CM duyệt Người ra đề Hoàng Thị Hồng Yến 10
  12. TEST 2 PART I: LISTENING ( 2,5P) I. Listen and complete the passage. (1,25P) In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best (1) after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your (2) if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more (3) . than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make (4) together. You’ll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you (5) . something more exciting? Go downtown and to do some people watch. It’s fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun! II. Listen to the passage and tick true (T) or false (F) (1,25P) 6. Five-coloured sticky rice is made by the Kinh 7. The five colours represent elements of life according to Vietnamese beliefs 8. The red symbolizes fire. 9. The green symbolizes water. 10. People believe that these five elements create harmony between the Sun and the Earth. PART II. LANGUAGE FOCUS ( 2,5P) I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from the others (0,3P) 1. A. buffalo B. close C. gold D. minority 2. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred 3. washed B. wanted C. watched D. stopped II. Choose the word with different stress from the others (0,2P) 1. A. listen B. enjoy C. adore D. detest 2. A. buffalo B. beautiful C. convenient D. cultural III. Choose the best answer A, B or C to complete the following sentences. (1,5P) 1. S1: Let’s go to the local open-air market S2:___. A. That’s a good idea B. Yes, we do C. Yes, thanks D. No, we don’t 2. Nga loves hanging with he friends in her free time. A. on B. off C. out D. up 3. Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word. She likes reading novels in her free time. A. enjoys B. hates C. loves D. adores 4. My mother enjoys___ traditional food for our family, especially at Tet holiday. A. cooking B. to cook C. cook D. cooked 5. Mai looks at the test a moment and she thinks it is ___ 11
  13. A. easily B. interestingly C. bored D. a piece of cake 6. Look! Some children are ___the buffaloes. A. picking B. driving C. herding D. playing IV. Use the correct form of the words in the brackets (0,5P) 1.Do you adore ( visit)___ my uncle’s farm next Sunday? 2. He ofen drives ___, so he causes any accidents. (careless) PART III. READING ( 2,5P) I. Choose the word which best fits each gap. (1,25P) because village friendlier air in quiet Many people enjoy living in a big city (1) they think life is more exciting there. However, I come from a small (2) and in my view, there are lots of benefits. The main reason I prefer village life is because it’s very (3) , so I always feel calm when I’m here. Another reason is that the (4) is so fresh and clean. We have more green spaces and bigger gardens, too. In addition, I think the people here are (5) Personally, I’m interested in wildlife photography, so the countryside is perfect for me. VI. Read the text and choose the best answer for each question. (1.25pt) Many people enjoy living in a big city because they think life is more exciting there. However, I come from a small village and in my view, there are lots of benefits. The main reason I prefer village life is because it’s very quiet, so I always feel calm when I’m here. Another reason is that the air is so fresh and clean. We have more green spaces and bigger gardens, too. In addition, I think the people here are friendlier. Personally, I’m interested in wildlife photography, so the countryside is perfect for me. Journey to school in Faro and the school bus is always stopping to pick up more people. Also, it’s boring sometimes, but I enjoy chatting to my friends. Fortunately, I’m learning to ride a moped. On balance, I disagree that city life is better, as I think my village lifestyle is healthier and more relaxing. 1. Why do many people enjoy in a big city? A. because they think life is more exciting B. because they think life is more modern C. because they think life is happier D. because they think life is easier 2. Where does the writer come from? A. he comes from a big city B. he comes from a big village C. he comes from an island D. he comes from a small village 3. Does he like living in a big city? A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he is D. No, he didn’t 4. Why does he prefer village life? A. because it’s very easy B. because it’s very beautiful 12
  14. C. because it’s very quiet D. because people are friendy _ 5. How does he think about the people in his village? A. He thinks the people here are friendlier B. He thinks the people here are easy-going C. He thinks the people here are generous D. He thinks the people here are unfriendy PART IV. WRITING ( 2, 5 P) I. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it (0,5p) 1. My father used to drinking a lot of wine when he was young A B C D 2. She dances much more beautiful than her friend A B C D II. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences (0.5pt) 1. My /is /listening /hobby /to /my/pop /music/ in / free time. => . 2. Living / countryside/ in the/ peaceful / is more/ than / in the / living /city. => . III. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that the meaning of the original one does not change. (0.5pt) 1. She loves taking photos in her free time. => Her hobby . 2. Lan is more intelligent than Mai => Mai is not . IV. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences (1.0pt) 1. He / fancy / play / games / home. => . 3. If / she / learn / hard, she / pass / next exam. => . 4. He / drive/ careful / than me . => . 5. Mai / like/ chat / online/ her friends / her free time. => . 13
  15. KEY AND MARK -TEST 2 PATR I. LISTENNIG ( 2,5PTS ) I. Listen to the passage and complete the dialogue.( 0, 2 x 5S = 1,25P) In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best friends after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your parents if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more comfortable than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make crafts together. You’ll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you prefer something more exciting? Go downtown and to do some people watch. It’s fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun! 2. friends 2. parents 3. comfortable 4. crafts 5. prefer II. Listen to the passage and tick true (T) or false (F) ( 0, 2 x 5S = 1,25P) 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F Five-coloured sticky rice is an important traditional dish of many ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous regions. People call the dish five- coloured sticky rice because it has five colours: red, yellow, green, purple and white. The things that create the colours are not chemicals but natural roots and leaves. The five colours of the dish represent five elements of life according to Vietnamese beliefs: yellow is earth, red is fire, green is plants, white is metal, and purple or black is water. People believe that these five elements create harmony between heaven and earth. Five- coloured sticky rice is usually made and enjoyed at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies, on special occasions, and whenever the family has guests. PATR II. PHONETIC ( 2, 5PS) I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently the others. (0,1 x 3S = 0,3P) 1.D 2. B 3.B II. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. ( 0,1 x 2S = 0,2P) 1. A 2. C. III. Choose the best answer A, B or C to complete the following sentences. ( 0, 25 x 6S = 1,5) 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6.C IV. Use the correct form of the words in the brackets ( 0, 25 x 2S = 0,5P) 1.visiting 2. Carelessly PART III. READING ( 2, 5PS) I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in passage. (0,25 x 5S = 1, 25 P) 1. because 2. village 3. quiet 4. air 5. friendlier II. Read the following passage, and answer the questions below.( 0,25 x 5S = 1, 25P) 1.A 2.D 3.B 4. C 5.A PART IV. WRITING ( 2, 5 P) I. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it (0.25 x 2S = 0,5P) 1.B- drink 2. C-beautifully 14
  16. II. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences (0, 25 x 2S = 0,5P) 1. My hobby is listening to music in my free time. 2. Living in the countryside is more peaceful than living in the city. III. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that the meaning of the original one does not change. (0, 25 x 2S = 0,5P) 1.Her hobby is taking photos. 2.Mai is not as intelligent as Lan. IV. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences ( 0, 25 x 4S = 1,0P) 1.He fancies playing games at home. 2.If she learns hard, she will pass the next exam. 3.He drives more carefully than me. 4. Mai likes chatting online with her friends in her free time. BGH duyệt Tổ CM duyệt Người ra đề Hoàng Thị Hồng Yến 15