Đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Đề 3 (Có đáp án)

Read the following passage and answer the answers
The festival was held in the communal house yard about one kilometer away from the river.
There were three competitions :water-fetching ,fire-making and rice-cooking .Inthe water-
fetching contest,one person from each team had torun tothe river toget the water.Inthe fire-
making contest,two team members had tomake afire inthe traditional way.Six people from
eachteamtookpartintherice-cooking contest.Theyhadtoseparate thericefromthehuskand
1) Where was the rice-cooking festival held?
2) How many competitions were there in the festival?
3) How was the fire made?
4) How many people from each team took part in the water-fetching contest?



5) Have you ever taken part in the rice cooking festival ?

pdf 6 trang Ánh Mai 12/02/2023 6020
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  1. ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ 2 LỚP 8 MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÓ ĐÁP ÁN NĂM 2021-2022 - ĐỀ 3 Rewrite the sentences as the same meanings using the following suggestions. 1. Shall I sit here ? Do you mind if . ? 2. I study English because I want to read books in English. I study English so as to 3. My father bought a car yesterday. A car . 4. " Are you a doctor?". Nam asked me. Nam asked me if 5. Has anyone asked you for your opinions? Have ? Choose the correct option for each gap to complete the sentences 1. Facebook was built on the ___ of earlier social network sites like Myspace and Bebo. A. succeed
  2. B. successful C. successfully D. success 2. ___ workers were sent to the area immediately bit no villagers was survived when the landslide happened. A. Rescue B. Help C. Assistance D. Volunteer 3. As eye contact has the ability to regulate the flow of communication, it is an important ___ of interpersonal communication. A. way B. method C. approach D. channel 4. If you behave yourself well, your parents will be ___ A. happily B. happy
  3. C. happiness D. unhappy 5. We advised Sue not to be a spend thrift and that she ___ more money. A. not to save B. was saving C. should save D. not save 6. The teacher said ___ a week off on the occasion of the International Labor Day. A. we will have B. we didn’t have C. we have D. we would have 7. At this time next month, we ___ next to each other in the same class. A. will sit B. will be sit C. will be sitting D. sit
  4. 8. When I came there, the highest building ___ been destroyed by the storm! A. have B. has C. had D. is having Read the following passage and answer the answers The festival was held inthe communal house yard about one kilometer away from the river. There were three competitions :water-fetching,fire-making and rice-cooking.Inthe water- fetching contest,one person from each team had torun tothe river toget the water.Inthe fire- making contest,two team members had tomake afire inthe traditional way.Six people from eachteamtookpartintherice-cooking contest.Theyhadtoseparate thericefromthehuskand thencooktherice. 1) Where was the rice-cooking festival held? ___ 2) How many competitions were there in the festival? ___ 3) How was the fire made? ___ 4) How many people from each team took part in the water-fetching contest?
  5. ___ 5) Have you ever taken part in the rice cooking festival ? ___ ĐÁP ÁN Rewritethesentencesasthesamemeaningsusingthefollowingsuggestions. 1. Shall I sit here ? Do you mind if sit here? . ? 2. I study English because I want to read books in English. I study English so as to read books in English. 3. My father bought a car yesterday. A car was bought yesterday by my father. 4. " Are you a doctor?". Nam asked me. Nam asked me if I was a doctor. 5. Has anyone asked you for your opinions? Have you been asked for your opinion? ? Choose the correct option for each gap to complete the sentences: 1 - D; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - B; 5 - C; 6 - D; 7 - C; 8 - C;
  6. Read the following passage and answer the answers 1 - The festival was held in the communal house yard . 2 - There were three competitions 3 - It was made in the traditional way. 4 - One person from each team took part in the water- fetching contest. 5 - No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have.