21 Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Kèm đáp án)

Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

Question 12. Water pollution can put negative __________ on our health.

A. contamination         B. affects                      C. effects                      D. problems
Question 13. A: How can light pollution __________ animals?
B: It can make animals change their behavior patterns.

A. cause                        B. make                         C. affect                        D. lead
Question 14. The dove is a universal __________ of peace.

A. symbolizing            B. symbolize                C. symbolic                  D. symbol

Question 15. The city has an atmosphere which is quite __________. You will never feel like that in other places.

A. important                 B. normal                      C. unique                      D. common
Question 16. __________ about the storm that stroke Hanoi last night?

A. Did you hear           B. Do you heard          C. Have you hear        D. Did you heard
Question 17. Many people __________ because of the earthquake last week.

A. did injure                 B. injured                      C. have injured            D. were injured
Question 18. When I looked at the river, I knew it __________ for a long time.

A. had contaminated                                         B. had been contaminated
C. was contaminated                                         D. contaminated

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Nội dung text: 21 Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Kèm đáp án)

  1. ĐỀ 1 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 Thời gian: 60 phút I. Choose the best option (from A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence: (3.0pts) 1. I don't know how ___ a birthday cake? A. make B. making C. to make D. made 2. ___ you post this letter for me, please? – OK. A. Do B. Are C. Will D. Shall 3. The man ___ in the garden is my grandfather. A. works B. working C. worked D. is working 4. Glass should be collected and sent to factories for ___. A. reusing B. reducing C. refilling D. recycling 5. We ___ morning exercise at six o’clock yesterday. A. took B. take C. are taking D. were taking 6. My friend, Lam ___ to school late. A. is always going B. was always goingC. goes always D. always goes 7. The Statue of Liberty ___by French people. A. design B. designed C. was designed D. was designing 8. Ha Long Bay is ___ by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. A. studied B. recognized C. known D. seen 9. ___ is often called “The Windy City”. A. Hawaii B. Chicago C. New York D. San Francisco 10. She promises she ___ study hard for the next exam. A. won’t B. will C. is D. must 11. ___ in Cambodia should be really known as a wonder. A. Angkor Wat B. The Taj Mahal C. The Hanging of Babylon D. The Statue of Zeus 12. My school hasn’t held a/an ___ contest yet. A. flower-arranging B. flowers-arranging C. arranging-flowers D. arranging-flower II. Choose the word or phrase that is not correct in standard English. (1pt) 1. I always keep the window open so as to letting the fresh air in. A B C D
  2. 2. Lan tidied the bedrooms and cleaned the windows since yesterday. A B C D 3. He is going to get to work earlier in order impress the boss. A B C D 4. Da Lat is known like a city of pines, waterfalls and flowers. A B C D III. Complete the passage with the words given. (2pts) walk narrow friendly town We are having a wonderful time in Hoi An. The streets here are so (1) ___ that cars are not allowed to enter the center of the (2) ___. Therefore, we have to (3) ___. The houses are very old but beautiful. The people are very (4) ___ and helpful. I love this place so much. III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (2pts) 1. While Tim (drive)___ to work, he had a wonderful idea. 2. We ( not meet) ___ since last year. 3. Would you mind if I (turn) ___ on the TV? 4. I (do) ___ my homework between 8 and 9 pm last night. IV. Reorder the words to make complete sentences: (1pt) 1. always / she / watching / is / TV / . 2. have / I / already / done / my / homework / . V. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones. (1pt) 1. We will invite some old teachers to our class meeting.  Some old teachers ___ 2. “I can do this test”, he said.  He said ___ - THE END - ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI
  3. I. Choose the best option (from A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence: (3.0pts) Môi câu đúng 0.25 điểm 1. C 7. C 2. C 8. B 3. B 9. B 4. D 10. B 5. D 11. A 6. A 12. A II. Choose the word or phrase that is not correct in standard English. (1pt) Mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B III. Complete the passage with the words given. (2pts) Mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm 1. narrow 2. town 3. walk 4. friendly III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (2pts) Mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm 1. was driving 2. haven't met 3. turned 4. was doing IV. Reorder the words to make complete sentences: (1pt) Mỗii câu đúng 0.5 điểm 1. She is always watching TV. 2. I have already done my homework V. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones. (2pts) 1. The glass bottles are broken into small pieces. 2. He said he could do that test. - THE END - ĐỀ 2 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 Thời gian: 60 phút I. Listening : A.You are going to listen to Lily talking about her self . You are going to listen twice . Check (v) the correct box for True or False ( 1,0 Ps ) Statements True False
  4. 1 Lily comes from China 2 She started learning English when she was eighteen . 3 She has a problem with listening . 4 She can understand people when they speak fast . B. Listen again and fill in the missing words ( 1,0 Ps ) Hi ! my name is Lily . I come from . I am a student , a university student . I am . years old . I am studying English as a foreign language . English is important to me because I will need it for my job in the future . I began learning English when I was very young – at the age of eight . I think that my biggest problem is . . People speak very quickly , so I can not understand them . English is really hard for me to learn , but I like it . I want to be an English . ; or I hope to become a singer one day because I love English songs very much . II: Language focus: A.Circle the best answer: (2ps). 1.I open my book in order to . a) read b) reading c) readed. 2.You should cool the burn a)immediately b)immediate c)immediating. 3.What time . Lan be here.? a)is b)shall c)will. 4. Would you mind . for a few minutes? a) to wait b) waiting c) wait 5. This is the first time I his mother. a) meet b) met c) have met. 6. Thank you very much for the comics you me last week. a)send b)sending c)sent . 7). I’d like you . my family this weekend. a) meet b) to meet c) meeting. 8). Do you mind if I . here? a) sitting b) to sit c) sit B. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B ( 1ps). Column A Column B 1. What is the mixture made from? a. It means not throwing things away and trying to find another use for them. 2. What do you mean by ‘ recycle” ? b. From flour, milk and salt. 3. What does “ reduce” mean ? c. It means not buying products which are overpacked. 4. Is it good to save natural resources? d. Yes, it is. III. Read the stage carefully, then answer the questions. (2,5ps) Yesterday, when I was riding along a busy street, I saw an accident. A woman was knocked down when she crossed the street at a zebra crossing. Many people stopped to offer their help. A policeman arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an ambulance. When waiting for the ambulance, the policeman and some people tried to stop the bleeding. They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put pressure on it and held it tight. They tried to talk to her in order to keep her awake. After about ten minutes, the ambulance arrived and the woman was taken to the hospital. - was knock down (v) : bị đâm ngã
  5. - Where did it occur? - What were its consequences? - How did you feel about it? Dear Mary, Đáp án I. LISTENING 1. Listen to the announcement. Fill each of the gaps with the ONE word and/or a number. You will listen TWICE. Key: 1. 130243 2. traffic 3. 123955 4. 132749 5. assistance 2. Listen to Annie talking about the Internet. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F II. READING 1. Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 2. Read the passage about computers. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T III. WRITING 1. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and use other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences. 1. Noise pollution in big cities leads (has led) to hearing problems. 2. Lots of aquatic animals die (have died) because of oil spills. 3. If you were the president of the country, what would you do to protect the environment? 4. One way to save the environment is using (to use) renewable energy sources. 5. This boy suffers (is suffering/ has suffered) from birth defects because his parents were exposed to radioactive pollution. 2. Write an email (90-110 words) to your pen friend telling him about a natural disaster that you have experienced, seen or been told about. Dear Mary,
  6. How are you? I must write to tell you about the natural disaster I saw on TV this morning. It was a huge tsunami in Japan two days ago. At first, there was a very strong earthquake, and then the tsunami swept through the coastal areas of northern Japan. It was so devastating. What used to be busy and lively cities now has become a vast area of debris. Houses were totally destroyed, and pieces of furniture and means of transport were scattered everywhere. Luckily, thanks to early warning, there was no human loss. I felt terrible .I intend to donate some of my pocket money to help the Japanese people.Would you like to join me? Love ĐỀ 19 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 Thời gian: 60 phút A. LISTEN I. Four hotel guests are calling for a taxi. Are these statements true (T) or false (F).(1ms) 1. The caller’s flight leaves in four hours. 2. The caller wants to go to another hotel. 3. The caller needs to catch a train 4. The caller’s friend is going to have a baby II. Listen again. How much will each price cost?(1ms) 1. A. $14 2. A. $12 3.A. $15 4. A. $18 B. $40 B. $20 B. $50 B. $ 80 B. LANGUAGE FOCUS (3 pts) 1. Choose the word in which the underlined part is not pronounced the same as those in the other words of the group A. arrive B. sight C. island D. prison 2. Nga showed Nhi where ___ tickets. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got 3. It's too cold outside. Would you mind closing the window? – “ ” A. Let do it . B. please go ahead. C. No,I don’t mind. D. Please do. 4. The heads of four American presidents are ___ into the rock at Mount Rushmore. A. painted B. built C. seen D. carved 5. Vietnam is a country.
  7. A. rice - exporting B. rice - export C. export - rice D. exporting - rice 6. "Do you want to visit Dien Bien Phu, Linda?" - Nam asked Linda ___ to visit Dien Bien Phu. A. if she wanted B. if he wanted C. if she wants D. if he wants 7. Angkor Watt now is a famous tourist ___. A. attract B. attractive C. attraction D. attractively 8. Do you mind your dictionary? A. If I use B. I using C. If I used D. your using 9. The family when the mailman came. A. sleep B. is sleeping C. was sleeing D. sleeping 10. Nga English by her mother for 7 years. A. taught B. has been taught C. has taught D. is taught 11. Vinh (always/ watch ) TV while eating A. always watches B.always watching C. is always watching D. always watch 12. Find the mistake in this sentences: She said that she would have an exam tomorrow. A. said B. would have C. an exam D. tomorrow C. READ Viet Nam is a country in the South East Asia . It has an area of 329,566 sq km .It is divided into three regions. Ha Noi is the capital city and Ho Chi Minh is one of the biggest cities of VietNam. The population of Viet Nam is over 80 million. It has an age- old culture and a long tradition of fighting against foreign invaders. VietNam is now a member country of ASEAN and many other international organizations such as APEC , WTO . Viet Nam exports rice, coffee and many other farm products. Viet Nam has lots of tourist attractions and World Heritage Sites such as Ha Long bay , Phong Nha cave , Hoi An ancient town , ect . And it is now known as a safe and attractive destination for tourists from all over the world . Moreover, they prefer to visit VietNam because Vietnamese people are very friendly and hospitable. They are very proud of their country . They have been trying hard to build it into a powerful and prosperous one . I. Write T(True) or F (False) (1.5ms): 1. VietNam is divided into three regions:North, Central and South 2. Ha Noi is the biggest city of VietNam 3. Viet Nam has a population of over 80 million 4. Hoi An is one of the World Heritage Sites 5. Tourists from all over the world don’t want to visit VietNam 6. There are a lot of tourist attractions in VietNam II. Answer the questions (1m) 1. What does VietNam export ? 2. Why do tourists prefer to visit VietNam ? D. WRITE: Rewrite the sentences. (2,5pt) 1. Can I smoke here? => Would you mind
  8. 2. "My sister likes cooking.", said Nam. => Nam said that . 3. " Is Ha Long Bay in the Northern Viet Nam, Phuong?" asked Mary. => Mary asked Phuong . . 4. It is a contest in which participants have to fetch a water => It's a 5. She has written this letter for 30 minutes. =>The letter . ANSWER KEY CODE 01: A. LISTEN I. True (T) or false (F).(0,25 x 4 = 1ms) 1. F 2. F 3.T 4.T II. Listen again. How much will each price cost? (0,25 x 4 = 1ms) 1.B 2. B 3. A 4. A B. LANGUAGE FOCUS (0,25 x 12 = 3 ms) 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7.C 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. D C. READ I. Write T(True) or F (False) (0,25 x 6 = 1.5ms): 1.T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T II. Answer the questions (0,5 x 2 = 1m) 3. Viet Nam exports rice, coffee and many other farm products 4. Because Vietnamese people are very friendly and hospitable. D. WRITE: Rewrite the sentences. (0,5 x 5 = 2,5ms) 1. Would you mind if I smoked here. 2. Nam said that his sister liked cooking. 3.Mary asked Phuong if Ha Long Bay was in the Northern Vietnam. 4- It is a water – fetching contest. 5.The letter has been written by her for 30 minutes. ĐỀ 20 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 Thời gian: 60 phút I. LANGUAGE FOCUS/ KTNN I: NGỮ ÂM Find the word which the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others from 1 to 3. 0,75pt)
  9. 1. A. vacation B. restaurant C. lake D. information 2. A. officer B. open C. grow D. moment 3. A. send B. flew C. mend D. tent II. LANGUAGE FOCUS/KTNN II: NGỮ PHÁP Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 4 to 6. (0,75pt) 4. Would you mind if I smoked? A. I’d rather you don’t C. I’d rather you didn’t B. I’d rather you won’t D. I’d rather you haven’t 5 . Christmas songs for people eight hundred years ago A. was performed B. are performed C. performed D. were performed 6. Do you mind if I some photos on the way to the city centre? A. take B. am taking C. will take D. took III. LANGUAGE FOCUS/KTNNIII: TỪ VỰNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is in good collocation each of the following questions from 7 to 9 (0,75pt) 7. If a patient can’t walk, he can use to move around. A. an eye chart B. a car C. a wheel chair D. a scale 8 means not buying products which are over packed. A. “Reducing” B. “Recycling” C. “Reusing” D. “Reordering” 9.The heads of four American are carved into Rushmore A. people B. presidents C. chairmen D. head leaders IV.LANGUAGE IN USE I/SỬ DỤNG NGÔN NGỮ I Mark the letter A, B, C on your answer sheet to correct a mistake in each of the following questions from 10 to 12. (0,75pt) 10. She asked me if I am a student. a. is b. was c. were 11. He said he is a plumber. a. was b. were c. are 12. I have lived here for last month. a. since b. from c. ago V. LANGUAGE IN USE II/SỬ DỤNG NGÔN NGỮ II/CLOZE READING Read the following letter and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 13 to 20 (2pts)
  10. Dear Jane, I am having a really good time in Ha Noi, the (13) of Viet Nam. The people are (14) and helpful and the weather has been wonderful, (15) and (16) In Ha Noi, I visited some of my old friends, Tom and Sally. It (17) very nice to see them. We visited The History (18) and some art galleries on Hang Bai Street and had lunch together at a (19) restaurant. I bought a lot of souvenirs and postcards (20) you and other friends. See you soon. with love, Mary 13. A. capital B. city C. old town D. center 14. A. hospital B. hospitable C. reserved D. shy 15. A. hot B. cold C. cool D. good 16. A. rainy B. snowy C. hot D. sunny 17. A. was B. is C. will be D. were 18. A. library B. Museum C. square D. park 19. A. vegetable B. vegetables C. vegetarian D. vegetarians 20. A. to B. of C. with D. for VI. LISTENING Listen to the passage 3 times and then tick T (true) or F (false). (1pt) 21.The hotel is on Phong Lan road. 22.The restaurant is opposite the Tourist Information Center. 23.The pagoda and the temple are on the same road. 24.The pagoda is just past the temple. VII. READING Read the following passage and answer the questions (2 pts) Last Tuesday Dick went to London. The train got intoTemple Mead at 12.45. Rosemary, his close friend met him outside the station. First, they went to a small café to have a cup of coffee. They talked endlessly. Then they walked around for a while, and finally went to Rosemary's house. They had a lovely lunch. Dick met Rosemary's mother and later her two children when they went home from school. In the evening, he went to see a very interesting film with Rosemary's family. After the show, he said goodbye to them and left for London. 25. How did Dick go to London Tuesday? 26. What time did the train arrive at Temple Mead? 27. Whom did Dick meet at Rosemary’s family?
  11. 28. Did he watch an interesting film with Rosemary’s family? 29. When did Dick leave for London? VIII. WRITING Rewrite the sentences (1pt) 30. The chinese invented paper in the first centery A D . 31. This factory produces 10.000 cars each year . 32. “My sister likes cooking “ said Nam . 33. “ Is Ha Noi in Northern in VN , Mary ask Phuong ?” 34. Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a place / city in Vietnam. Write a postcard to a friend about your trip .(1pt) Dear ., ĐÁP ÁN I. LANGUAGE FOCUS - KTNN I: NGỮ ÂM Find the word which the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (3 x 0,25 = 0,75 điểm) 1. C. 2. A. 3. B. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS - KTNN II: NGỮ PHÁP
  12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 4 to 6. (3x 0,25 = 0,75 điểm) 4. C 5. D 6. A III. LANGUAGE FOCUS - KTNN II: TỪ VỰNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is in good collocation each of the following questions from 7 to 9 (3 x 0,25 = 0,75 điểm) 7. C 8. A 9. B IV. LANGUAGE IN USE I - SỬ DỤNG NGÔN NGỮ I Mark the letter A, B, C on your answer sheet to correct a mistake in each of the following questions from 10 to 12. (3 x 0,25 = 0,75 điểm) 10. b. was 11. a. was 12. a. since V. LANGUAGE IN USE II - SỬ DỤNG NGÔN NGỮ II Read the following letter and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 13 to 20 (8 x 0,25 = 2 điểm) 13. A 14. B 15. D 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D VI. LISTENING: Listen and decide true or false. (4 x 0,25 = 1 điểm) • Tape script: 21.T 22. F 23. T 24. F VII. READING: *Read the passage and choose True (T) or False (F) to the following statements. (5 x 0,4 = 2 điểm) 25. He went to London by train. 26. The train arrived atTemple Mead at 12.45 . 27. He met Rosemary’s mother and her two children. 28. Yes, he did. 29. He left for London after the show. VIII. WRITING Rewrite the sentences (4 x 0,25 = 1điểm) 30. Paper was invented in the first centery AD by the Chinese . 31. 10.000 cars are produced each year by this factory . 32. Nam said that his sister liked cooking
  13. 33. Mary asked Phuong if Ha Noi was in Northern in VN 34. Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a place / city in Vietnam. Write a postcard to a friend about your trip .(1điểm) Dear , We are having a wonderful time in Ha Long Bay. The people in this city are friendly and hospitable. The weather here is cool and sunny, so we go to the beach most of the time. In Ha Long, I visited my old friend’s house and he has a big garden with lots of flowers. Next Sunday, I am going to buy some souvenirs for you and my sister. See you later. Love,
  14. ĐỀ 21 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 Thời gian: 60 phút I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word pronounced differently from the rest: (5 0,5 = 2,5 mks) 1. A. unite B. underline C. uniform D. university 2. A. change B. teachings C. toothache D. clutch 3. A. hardly B. wharf C. partner D. carve 4. A. deaf B. speak C. dream D. please 5. A. success B. stand C. coats D. instructions II. Circle the best answer to complete these sentences: (10 0,25 = 2,5 mks) 1. I telephoned the station to make of the time of the train. A. true B. sure C. right D. real 2. Last Sunday, Mr. Viet his children to Thu Le Zoo. A. got B. brought C. fetch D. took 3. Of all the members in my family, my elder brother is A. taller B. more taller C. the tallest D. the most tallest 4. We last night when the telephone A. slept - rang B.slept - was ringing C.were sleeping - rang D.were sleeping-was ringing 5. Our resources are limited, so we should recycle all these used things. A. nature B. naturing C. natural D. naturally 6. A(n) can take patients to hospitals quickly. A. emergency B. wound C. bleeding D. ambulance 7. Our new school was built 2005 and 2007. A. between B. from C. since D. for 8. It took me a long time to get used glasses. A. wear B. wore C. to wear D. to wearing 9. Does your father collect stamps? - Yes, he does. He has a stamp A. collect B. collector C. collecting D. collection
  15. 10. –“Pass me that book, please!” –“ ”. A. Here you are B. Yes, please. C. It isn’t matter D. No, it isn’t Học sinh không viết vào đây Học sinh không viết vào đây III. Complete the passage Học with sinh khôngthe most viết vào suitable đây words: (10 0,25 = 2,5 mks) The world’s (1) famous clock is Big Ben standing (2) to the Houses of Parliament in London. Big Ben is the (3) of the bell which chimes every hour. The (4) was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, the man who (5) given the task of hauling the bell up the clock tower. The clock (6) four faces and keeps accurate time. It can (7) adjusted by the removal or addition of coins (8) a stray attacked to the clock’s pendulum. One interesting thing about the clock (9) that the light shines above the belfry at night, it (10) that the Houses of Common is still in session. -> Keys: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IV. Rewrite the following sentences, not to change the meaning: (5 0,5 = 2,5 mks) 1. Keeping the environment clean is very important. -> It’s 2. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals. -> People 3. It’s three months since I last spoke to Mr. Quang. -> I haven’t 4. Trang doesn’t type as fast as she used to. -> Trang used . 5. “ Please turn down the radio for me”, said my grandfather. -> My grandfather asked
  16. The end ĐÁP ÁN VÀ BIỂU ĐIỂM CHẤM BÀI HỌC KỲ II MÔN: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word pronounced differently from the rest: (5 0,5 = 2,5 mks) 1. B. underline 2. C. toothache 3. B. wharf 4. A. deaf 5. D. instructions II. Circle the best answer to complete these sentences: (10 0,25 = 2,5 mks) 1 - B. 2 - D. 3 - C. 4 - C. were sleeping - 5 - C. sure took the tallest rang natural 6 - D. 7 - A. between 8 - D. 9 - D. 10 - A. ambulance to wearing collection Here you are III. Complete the passage with the most suitable words: (10 0,25 = 2,5mks) 1. most 2. next 3. name 4. bell 5. was 6. has 7. be 8. on 9. is 10. means
  17. IV. Rewrite the following sentences, not to change the meaning: (5 0,5 = 2,5 mks) 1. It’s very important to keep the environment clean. 2. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals. 3. I haven’t spoken to Mr. Quang for three months. 4. Trang used to type faster than she can/ does now. 5. My grandfather asked me to turn down the radio for him. The end