Đề cương ôn thi cuối học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8

Exercise 1. Conditional Type 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. If we (recycle) ________ more, we will help the Earth.
2. Factories (not dump) ______________waste into rivers if the government fine them heavily.
3. If people travel to work by bus, there (be) ______________fewer car fumes.
4. We (save) ________________thousands of trees if we don’t waste paper.
5. If we use water carefully, more people (have) ______________fresh water.
6. If the factory (continue) ________________ dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic
animals will die.
7. If I (go)__________ out tonight, I will go to the cinema.
8. If we don’t see each other tomorrow, we (see)__________ each other next week.
9. If we go on holiday this summer, we (go)__________ to Spain.
10. He (not/get) _________a better job if he doesn’t pass that exam.
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  1. REVISION FOR THE 2ND SEMESTER TEST - GRADE 8 A/ Theory (Unit 7 - Unit 11) Unit 7. Pollution Vocabulary: - radioactive /ˌreɪdiəʊˈæktɪv/ (adj): nhiễm phóng xạ Ví dụ: Radioactive pollution is not a pollution of our city. (Ô nhiễm phóng xạ không phải là vấn đề của thành phố chúng tôi.) - herbicide /ˈhɜːbɪsaɪd/ (n): thuốc diệt cỏ Ví dụ: Herbicide can pollute the groundwater. (Thuốc diệt co có thể gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước ngầm.) - contaminant /kənˈtæmɪnənt/ (n): chất gây ô nhiễm Ví dụ: They are trying to remove contaminants from the lake. (Họ đang cố gắng loại bỏ những chất gây ô nhiễm ra khỏi hồ.) - aquatic /əˈkwætɪk/ (adj): dưới nước Ví dụ: The aquatic ecosystem is threatened by water pollution. (Hệ sinh thái dưới nước đang bị đe dọa bởi ô nhiễm nước.) Ngữ pháp: Câu điều kiện loại 1 (Conditional Sentences – Type 1) Chức năng: Diễn tả điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Cấu trúc: If + S + V_s/es (+ bổ ngữ), S + will + V_nguyên mẫu (+ bổ ngữ). Hoặc: S + will + V_nguyên mẫu (+ bổ ngữ) + if + S + V_s/es (+ bổ ngữ). => Mệnh đề chứa if dùng thì hiện tại đơn, mệnh đề chính (mệnh đề còn lại) chia tương lai đơn. Ví dụ: 1. If I have enough money, I will buy a new computer. (Nếu tôi có đủ tiền thì tôi sẽ mua một chiếc máy tính mới.) 2. If you work hard, you will make a lot of money. (Nếu bạn làm việc chăm chỉ thì bạn sẽ kiếm được nhiều tiền.) Unit 8. English Speaking Countries Vocabulary: - native /ˈneɪtɪv/ (n/adj): bản xứ Ví dụ: Jim wants to speak English as a native speaker. (Jim muốn nói tiếng Anh như người bản xứ.) - spectacular /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ (adj): hùng vĩ, ngoạn mục Ví dụ: You can enjoy spectacular scenery from here. (Bạn có thể thưởng thức cảnh đẹp hùng vĩ từ đây.) - accent /ˈæksənt/ (n): giọng điệu Ví dụ: She has a Southern accent. (Cô ấy có giọng miền Nam.) - diverse /daɪˈvɜːs/ (adj): đa dạng Ví dụ: In the United States, you can meet people from diverse culture. (Ở Mỹ, bạn có thể gặp nhiều người từ các nền văn hóa đa dạng.) Ngữ pháp: 1
  2. Các thì hiện tại (Present Tenses) Thì Cấu trúc Dấu hiệu nhận biết Hiện tại đơn * Với động từ thường: Các trạng từ: S + V_s/es + O every day/week/month/year * Với động từ tobe: in the morning/afternoon/evening S + am/is/are + O always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, frequently Hiện tại tiếp diễn S + am/is/are + V_ing + O now, at the moment, at (the) present, at this time, right now, now Look! ; Listen! Hiện tại hoàn S + have/has + V_PII + O just, yet, never, ever, already, so far, up to thành now, since, for, recently, lately (gần đây), until now, up to present, Unit 9. Natural Disasters Vocabulary: - debris /ˈdebriː/ (n): mảnh vỡ Ví dụ: Be careful of the flying debris in the storm. (Hãy cẩn thận với những mảnh vỡ bay trong cơn bão.) - disaster /dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ (n): thảm họa Ví dụ: Thousands of people died in the disaster. (Hàng ngàn người đã chết trong thảm họa đó.) - drought /draʊt/ (n): hạn hán Ví dụ: We have suffered three years of drought. (Chúng tôi vừa trải qua 3 năm hạn hán.) - accurate /ˈækjərət/ (adj): chính xác Ví dụ: It is not easy to make accurate weather forecast. (Không dễ để dự báo thời tiết chính xác.) - collapse /kəˈlæps/ (v): sụp đổ Ví dụ: Many buildings collapsed after the earthquake. (Rất nhiều tòa nhà đã sụp đổ sau trận động đất.) Ngữ pháp: Câu bị động (Passive Voice) Thì Cấu trúc câu chủ động Cấu trúc câu bị động Hiện tại đơn S + V_s/es S + am/is/are + V_PII VD: People speak English here. VD: English is spoken here. Hiện tại tiếp diễn S + am/is/are + V_ing S + am/is/are + being + V_PII VD: They are building a new house. VD: A new house is being built. Hiện tại hoàn thành S + have/ has + V_PII S + have/has + been + V_PII VD: We have cleaned our car. VD: Our car has been cleaned. Quá khứ đơn S + V_ed/V2 S + was/were + V_PII VD: Someone cleaned the room VD: The room was cleaned 2
  3. yesterday. yesterday. Quá khứ tiếp diễn S + was/were + V_ing S + was/were + being + V_PII VD: They were making a cake when I VD: A cake was being made when I arrived. arrived. Tương lai đơn S + will + V_nguyên thể S + will + be + V_PII VD: The government will pass the new VD: The new law will be passed next law next month. month. Tương lai tiếp diễn S + will be + V_ing S + will be + being + V_PII VD: She will be singing a song when the VD: The song will be being sung prime minister comes in. when the prime minister comes in. Unit 10. Communication Vocabulary: - digital /ˈdɪdʒɪtl/ (adj): kỹ thuật số VD: Do you have a digital camera? (Bạn có một chiếc máy ảnh kĩ thuật số đúng không?) - face-to-face (adj): trực diện VD: They rarely have face-to-face communication with each other. (Họ hiếm khi giao tiếp trực tiếp với nhau.) - instantly /ˈɪnstəntli/ (adv): ngay lập tức VD: Nowadays, we can send and receive messages instantly via internet. (Ngày nay chúng ta có thể gửi và nhận tin nhắn ngay tức khắc qua mạng internet.) - channel (n): kênh VD: What’s on Channel 2 tonight? (Có gì ở kênh 2 tối nay?) - communicate (v): giao tiếp VD: My foreign friend and I communicate by email. (Bạn nước ngoài của tôi và tôi giao tiếp qua thư điện tử.) - cyber (adj): thuộc về internet VD: Cyberbullying is a hot issue these days. (Bắt nạn qua mạng là một vấn đề nóng hiện nay.) Ngữ pháp: Thì tương lai tiếp diễn (Future Continuous) Cách dùng: 1. Diễn tả hành động sẽ đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong tương lai. VD: Tonight at 11 p.m., we will be dancing at the party. 2. Để hoạch định cho những việc được trông thấy đang xảy ra trong tương lai. VD: You’ll recognize me when you get there. I’ll be wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. I’ll be sitting at a table at the corner and reading a newspaper. 3. Hành động có dự định trước trong tương lai gần. VD: He will be leaving in a few days. Will you be going away this summer? Unit 11. Science and Technology 3
  4. Vocabulary: - archaeology /ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒi/ (n): khảo cổ học VD: Josh is interested in archeology. (Josh hứng thú với khảo cổ học.) - discover /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/ (v): khám phá VD: You will be fascinated to discover the city’s history. (Bạn sẽ thấy thích thú khi khám phá lịch sử thành phố này.) - invent /ɪnˈvent/ (v): phát minh, sáng chế VD: The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. (Bóng đèn được phát minh bởi Thomas Edison.) - patent /ˈpeɪtnt/ (n): bằng sáng chế VD: He obtained a patent on his new product last year. (Anh ấy đã lấy được bằng sáng chế cho sản phẩm mới năm ngoái.) - precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ (adj): rõ ràng, chính xác VD: Can you tell me the precise time of the meeting? (Bạn có thể nói cho tôi biết thời gian chính xác của buổi họp được không?) Ngữ pháp: Các thì tương lai (Future Tenses) Thì Cấu trúc Dấu hiệu nhận biết Tương lai đơn (+) S + will + V_nguyên thể + O. tomorrow, next week/month/year (-) S + won’t + V_nguyên thể + in the future O. in + thời gian trong tương lai (?) Will + S + V_ng.thể + O? Tương lai tiếp diễn (+) S + will be + V_ing + O. at this time tomorrow/next week (-) S + won’t be + V_ing + O. at 10 o’clock tomorrow (?) Will + S + be + V_ing + O? thời gian xác định tại một thời điểm trong tương lai B/ EXERCISES Exercise 1. Conditional Type 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. If we (recycle) ___ more, we will help the Earth. 2. Factories (not dump) ___waste into rivers if the government fine them heavily. 3. If people travel to work by bus, there (be) ___fewer car fumes. 4. We (save) ___thousands of trees if we don’t waste paper. 5. If we use water carefully, more people (have) ___fresh water. 6. If the factory (continue) ___ dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die. 7. If I (go)___ out tonight, I will go to the cinema. 8. If we don’t see each other tomorrow, we (see)___ each other next week. 9. If we go on holiday this summer, we (go)___ to Spain. 10. He (not/get) ___a better job if he doesn’t pass that exam. Exercise 2. Conditional type 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 4
  5. 1. If I were you, I (look) ___ for a new place to live. 2. If Lan wasn’t ill, she (join) ___ out tree planting activity. 3. If there were fewer cars on the road, there (be) ___ less pollution. 4. If people really cared about the environment, they (not dump) ___ waste into the lake. 5. If there was no fresh water in the world, what (happen) ___? 6. If you (be) ___ the president, what would you do to help the environment ? 7. They get sick so often. If they exercised more, they (be) ___ heathier. 8. If I (have) ___ one million US dollars , I would build more parks in our city. 9. Quan’s mother is unhappy. If Quan tided his room every day, his mother (not be) ___ so upset. 10. There isn’t a garden at house . If there were, we (grow) ___ vegetables. Exercise 3. Present tense (simple – continuous – perfect): Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. He always ___ (tell) us funny stories. 2. She never ___ (help) me with that! 3. Martha and Kevin ___ (swim) twice a week. 4. In this club people usually ___ (dance) a lot. 5. Lorie ___ (travel) to Paris every Sunday. 6. Where's John? He___(listen) to a new CD in his room. 7. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always___ (rain) in England. 8. Jean___ (work) hard all day but she___(not work) at the moment. 9. Look! That boy___ (run) after the bus. He___ (want) to catch it. 10. Shh! The boss___ (come). We ___(meet) him in an hour and nothing is ready! 11. Maria___ (learn) English for two years. 12. Linda is a teacher. She___ (teach) for ten years. 13. Sarah is very tired, she (work) ___very hard recently. 14. They___ (not eat) anything all the morning. 15. She___(go) out since 5 a.m. Exercise 4. Passive voice: Change the following sentences into passive form. 1. My father waters this flower every morning. 2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night. 3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. 4. We should clean our teeth twice a day. 5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar. 6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city. 7. Tom will visit his parents next month. 8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning. 9. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress? 5
  6. 10. I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room. 11. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War. 12. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day. 13. Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema. 14. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week. 15. Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum? Exercise 5. Complete these sentences using the future continuous tense. 1. This time next year I (live) in London. 2. At 8pm tonight, I (eat) dinner with my family. 3. They (run) for about four hours. Marathons are incredibly difficult! 4. Unfortunately, I (work) on my essay so I won’t be able to watch the match. 5. She (study) at the library tonight. 6. (you/wait) at the station when she arrives? 7. I (drink) at the pub while you are taking your exam! 8. (she/visit) her Grandmother again this week? 9. At 3pm today, I (watch) that movie on channel four. 10. (they/attend) your concert next Friday? It would be lovely to see them. Exercise 6. Put the verb into the correct form To Infinitive or Gerund 1. When I’m tired, I enjoy ___ TV. It’s relaxing. (watch) 2. It was a nice day, so we decided ___ for a walk. (go) 3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ___ for a walk? (go) 4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ___. (wait) 5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford ___ out very often. (go) 6. I wish that dog would stop ___. It’s driving me mad. (bark) 7. Our neighbour threatened ___ the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call) 8. We were hungry, so I suggested ___ dinner early. (have) 9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ___ the rain. (miss) 10. I’m still looking for a job, but I hope ___ something soon. (find) Exercise 7. Put the verb into the correct form of simple future tense. 1. When we get home, we ___ (have) dinner. 2. I know they ___ (feel) very happy if they win the match. 3. They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. They ___ (do) a tour of Norway. 4. She thinks that the Take That concert ___ (be) really exciting. 5. “What are your plans for this evening?” I ___ (meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party. 6. If you revise for the exam , I’m sure you ___ (get) a good result. 7. The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It ___ (be) very sunny. 8. I can’t come on the march tomorrow. I ___ (look after) my cousins. 9. In the future, I think humans ___ (wipe out) many different species. 6
  7. 10. He is buying some butter and eggs because he ___ (make) a cake later. Exercise 8. Reported statements: Rewrite the following statements into reported speech. 1. Lena said, “I will invite you to my birthday party.” ___ 2. The doctor said, “Your aunt doesn’t need an operation.” ___ 3. Helen said, “I can speak Spanish fluently.” ___ 4. Selena said, "I'm watching the late-night show." ___ 5. Mr Cooper said, "I take my medicine regularly." ___ 6. John said , "I am going to work for a new company next month." ___ 7. Mary said, "I have just come back from Europe." ___ 8. "I am waiting at the bus stop number ten," he told me. ___ 9. "I will resign today," the minister announced this morning. ___ 10. “Jane may move to a new flat”, Rachel said. ___ 7